seven quick takes
Joining Jen & her crew for the 7 Quick Takes over at Conversion Diary. — 1 — I’m just getting done what needs to get done. That’s my dad’s favorite phrase. That and, “pull my finger.” And maybe a few other dadisms we have chronicled through the years. He’s absolutely the funniest person in the world, hand’s down. {Sorry, Jim Gaffigan–I did just read your book and LOVED it, but my dad is funnier.} My dad’s a doer. He comes from a family of doers. A cousin’s fiancé jokingly refers to my aunt and my dad and all their siblings as “human doings” instead of human beings. My dad’s faithful thought is, I just get done what needs to get done. He never complains about doing work in the yard around our house, indeed he cannot be pulled away from it with threats and screams. He never complains after a really long day at the hospital, followed by someone waking him up in the middle of the night asking about their medication, preceded by being on-call and popping by the hospital after mass but before vespers on a Sunday. The man never complains. He just does things, with joy or with disgruntlement–who knows?–and is my example on getting done what needs to get done. — 2 — Case in point, I’m still on a high from a weekend with awesome ladies, inspirational thoughts, sleep {who knew what that was?}, food prepared by someone else AND cleaned up by them, and a little peace…
Read More— 1 — Sleepless life. That’s what 36 weeks of pregnancy has given me. I’m a total insomniac. Leg cramps & stocking up– elevate your legs. Heartburn–keep your chest upright. I need one of those trapeze artists’ bars so my body can both be up and down and down and up at the same time. Because you all love to hear about pregnancy woes, I’m going to regale you with seven things to do when you can’t sleep. Right about . . . . now. Number 1 is obviously scratch out some blog posts. And read some of your favs. Did you ever know how Cup of Jo started? Interesantes. Or how Kendra’s day looks? Or how Lindsay’s two year old is so stinking cute. (Now that SweetPea is 2 and one day, she’s looking more and more like a big girl.) Or what kind of donuts you could be baking? Don’t think I didn’t do some zullily shopping and get a donut baking sheet. You tell me. — 2 — Shop for King Sized duvet cover & bedskirt. Let’s be honest. I love to sew. But not things my household actually needs. Remember that I sewed about a dozen little girl skirts? And I’m having a boy? Oh, yes. Back to my sewing list of things for the household. I won’t tell you how many items are in the mending pile. You either won’t believe me or you’ll think I’m even more horrible than you already think I am.…
Read More— 1 — It’s Friday. You know the drill. Share what you’ve done & learned & endured during the week with Jen and her lovelies. I wish I had something very profound to share insofar as life revelations, but really it’s been a stay-alive-kind-of-week. My to-do list with baby coming in a matter of weeks (whoa, I’m only 34 weeks pregnant–am I jinxing myself?) keeps growing. I mean, I do things on it, and then find other things that also desperately quickly nowly must be done. I wrote this week about how I came to terms with pausing my lawyerly jig and staying at home. I blah lablah personal for a while but include my list of questions to ask if you’re in the boat of contemplation, either on staying home, or going back to work. No easy answers, and I really believe that mostly people just gotta do what they gotta do and the devil take the hindmost (or the judgers). — 2 — Did you see that Jen in including a wonderful e-book about how she operates her family as a bonus for pre-ordering her book, Something Other Than God? Don’t think I didn’t order it yesterday. Because I did. Happy birthday in a few weeks to me. And me! (does anyone else remember the “very merry unbirthday” song from Alice in Wonderland? I am always tempted to shout an additional “and ME!” Narcissism lives on here.) Part of why I want to buy (and did) is because she’s a very…
Read More— 1 — It’s happening. This awesome gathering of women called the Edel Gathering. In Austin. And I’m GOING! Whew, thank you side monies from crafting delightfulness on etsy. You’ve made it happen. Thank you! It’s a conference for mommy bloggers, most of the presenters are Catholic so people like Jen, Grace, Hallie, and co. GREAT stuff, people! Me & BabyLoves will be traveling and compared to traveling with my older kiddos, I know (fingers crossed for no colic) this will be a breezie time. It looks like some great women from law school will be there–I haven’t seen them in soooo long! Hurrah. — 2 — Valentine’s Day is here and I haven’t done anything special for my man. We did color him a picture yesterday. Does that count? I don’t know. He had SuperBoy give me my present this morning (after he’d gone to work and mr. stay in his room til 7am obeyed the greatest of all commandments). Can I say SO PRETTY?? We have dinner plans & then a concert we’re attending/helping at. I have a few hours to figure something super sweet, romantic, and special for him. I did buy a maternity red dress. NEW. Isabelle Oliver. Maybe this will cut it? Consider me actually showered and hair did. — 3 — The greatest family invasion ever is happening this weekend. My sister, her two sweeties & husband, my brother, his snuggle boy & wife, finally. All of us under one very happily filled up…
Read More— 1 — I have three posts brewing. None ready, so here we are, joining up with Jen and her lovely gang of writers. Don’t know Jen? She’s a great writer, mom, and hilarious person. Not that I know her personally, but our electronic personas would be pals. I did my first batch of quick takes a while back. So number 1, I’m making cobb salad for a weekend out of town. Smitten Kitchen you know I love you. Recipe here. Drool worthy bacon inside. Go for it. I’m just making it as a vehicle for bacon. — 2 — Our bathroom project is coming along–*cue Alleluia Chorus here*–in large part due to my dad’s diligence. I catch him coming over after work and scraping, telling SuperBoy, wear your face mask over your nose, not inside your mouth. The two of them are project boys together. I’m still debating about the walls. What do you think of this herringbone stencil? The base color will be a really light eggplant. And the floor has decades old herringbone tile. Too much? A good girlfriend with a fabulous eye for design has been instrumental in guiding me. I just want a bathroom that will look lovely for a really really long time so I never have to refinish a bathroom again. This has been way less fun and way more work than I had imagined. — 3 — SweetPea has developed her personality, full bore. She’s almost 18 months and so snappy and…
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