
Monks of Norcia: a book, a party, and I want to become a monk

March 5, 2015

We were able to host the most incredible party before Christmas of last year for a very special monastery: the Monks of Norcia, Italy. This place is mystical and magical. My husband, dad, and brother had all visited (before they knew each other, that is) and been so impressed by Prior Cassian Folsom and his monks. Their way of life is simple but difficult, following the Benedictine Monastic Life. Norcia was his birthplace and thus the location selected by Father Cassian when he founded this abbey. The story behind it is fascinating and hilarious, so please, do go read more here or on wiki, too. When a dear friend said that Father Cassian was coming to the Twin Cities and discussions were in play about where he could share more about the order and the abbey, we were all:: OH YA RIGHT HERE DON’TCHA KNOW?! Party chez nous, 100 folks, monk beer + Father Cassian and his amazing development officer: Bryan G + sweet wife (who was amazing pregnant but a total trooper). The house was teaming with people such that the windows were literally sweating. Father spoke on the history of the order and eloquently shared about the monks life. Bryan poured the very special beer the monks brew themselves. Everyone laughed and talked and ate desserts. A truly festive night honoring a wonderful group of monks! If you want to follow along on social media, find them on Facebook & the web. Their work is fantastic. I can’t tell how I just…

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A homemade valentine’s giveaway for you!!

February 9, 2015

dear lovely readers, I’ve paired with a select group of some of my absolute fav homemade handmades to give you a valentine’s day dream: gift basket pour vous. Valentines’ Day for me has always been less about romantic love and more about appreciating all of the love in my life. These ladies and their art, writing, hand crafts have touched me. And the chocolate? It’s from Minnesota and I’m buying it for you from the coop, so that’s just touching your stomach 😉 Starting with Olivia, my sweet southern sister blogger from To the Heights. She wrote a book that touched my heart. It’s all about writing down your goals, and steps to helping you actualize them. Never gets old. I’ve re-read it several times and worked on the writing prompts even more times. She’s giving away her e-book via her monthly newsletter. Hop on over. Moving right along to Jolie, whom I know from instagram. Her prints for her company Brim Papery are gorgeous. So take the time to peruse her etsy shoppe because: this. And these. Her offering for the giveaway? This beauty on 8×10. She hand letters and illustrates and then prints locally in Columbus, Ohio on a thick beautiful paper. Jealous of the winner! Next up we have Jenna from Call Her Happy who runs the sweetest etsy shoppe (of the same name) around with her cross stitched necklaces. I mean, come on!!! Wouldn’t you kill for this kind of hand stitched love? Or there’s this one that I want…

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What’s in My Bag {{linkup + Lily Jade giveaway}}

February 4, 2015

I’m a mom of three under five. You’d think I have figured out how to pack my bag so when I leave the house, there are no unmitigated disasters. Well, I cannot guarantee this. In fact, I really really cannot. Three kids these ages in public for prolonged periods of time can mean any number of issues. Hunger. Fatigue. Flat out tantrum. You’d also think I wouldn’t even want a diaper bag anymore. And I don’t. That’s why I love my Madeline in Canvas because it’s a purse with a secret diaper bag side. This fall I had AA take pics of me & my leading lady. Remember? This winter, it’s been a real workhorse of a bag. I take it with me everywhere. But when I pack my bag, I try to pack for everything that could happen. Unless I just tuck a diaper & thin pack of wipes inside the baby’s car seat and then snug them into my sling while we go. So this is what I pack when I am ruddy trudy prepared. I don’t use the baby organizer insert any more because a few items in my bag are for winter, and for me, and wouldn’t need a compartment. Also I find the Madeline has enough outer pockets that nothing gets lost in the bottom. Ever. One of my favorite parts. Winter gloves, house key, beautiful infinity scarf from my sister that doubles & triples over, a rosary from Lourdes, my sister’s honey balm for…

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Christmas without My Brother & a Freshly Picked Moccasin Giveaway for You!

December 17, 2014

In light of BabyLoves turning a full 7 months today, going on 18 months practically speaking, we’re running a Freshly Picked Moccasin giveaway!!! The team over there is so lovely and so generous as to send me a pair of my choosing to tell you about, and for one of you lucky folks to make your own selection as well! Check their beautiful site for styles ranging from everything your heart desires for your daughter to everything you ever dreamed of for any bebe. The unique design of these means there’s a hidden elastic band so these cannot come off. I mean, cannot. I mean, the baby who kicks and kicks and the toddler who flails can’t drop them at church under the pew or under the restaurant booth table. No losing shoes. WIN. And the bottom of them feels like leather butter. No exaggeration. Incredibly soft & durable. These are going to survive my baby’s antics, yes indeeeeedie. I selected the AMERICA ones. Above all their fabulous style lines, this one called to me right away. You see, my little brother is in the Army and he’s Godfather to both our boys so for his littlest Godson, of course this was the perfect fit. It also goes great with the festive holiday leggings I just made mr size 18months. And the wool shirt he shares with his pint-sized older sister {{they’re on sale!!}} My brother is the apple of all our eyes, as he’s the youngest of the five and has four older…

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where I stash the wriggling standing baby while I run to the freezer {review & giveaway Go-Pod!}

December 16, 2014

A few months back I posted a pic to my instagram account of BabyLoves chilling in his Go-Pod. People asked what is that? where did you get it? how do you like it? Let me tell you: not only do I love the one I bought a few years back, but I LOVE that the president of KidCo agreed to give one to a lucky one of you. What a nice company! But first, allow me to tell you what it is not and what it is. It’s not an exersaucer that takes up your whole living room and has strobe lights. It’s not a walker (THOSE ARE NOT SAFE!!!). | | >>> see those spindly legs in the background? Not the potty toilet, the black plastic legs. That’s what the bottom of it looks like. There’s even a canvas down there to catch the spit up or other bodily fluids. It is a baby stashing device that also folds up and can be carried along anywhere or stored easily in your closet. Think: sports event chair. Canvas sack et al. Yup, same here. It is soft and comfortable so that they can either bear weight on their legs, or just laze backwards. It does have loops for you to latch a zillion toys to so the baby won’t go insane while you run to the freezer for some gelato. Or do laundry real quick. Or wipe your toddler. My sister originally told me about it years back. I used it sparingly…

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how to love the person you actually married and MORE FEASTS

December 14, 2014

My girlfriend Haley & her husband Daniel wrote another cook book. !!! Raise the roof emoji!!! For a woman (ahem, me) who loves to cook but sucks at finding recipes (except at 4pm that call for defrosted (I didn’t do that step) meat), I couldn’t be more delighted. It’s called MORE FEASTS, as in, it’s their second book and the first one was titled FEASTS! Click over here to take a peeks. They paired up food from the culture of the saint’s feast day. I mean, for an attempting-homeschooler like me this combines geography, religion, history, and multi-culti + dinner time. It’s an all-in-one. I’m especially looking forward to this recipe for Saint Kateri Tekakwitha: Roast Acorn Squash and Wild Rice with Cranberries. She’s a Mohawk Native American Indian who died in her early twenties and is revered as a saint in our tradition. Read more about her life here. Growing up, she was one of our very very favorites and the meal they’ve paired with her is using specific North American particulars that were probably eaten by her tribe at the time (17th century). Being a Minnesotan means that wild rice is native to our lakes & rivers (it’s a form of grass. brace yourself.) We love it and we lurrrrrve roasting squash. YUM! She’s offering this awesome deal: through tonight, December 15th, you can use the code HAPPYFEAST to get 25% off both ebooks. And the original ebook is on sale for $4.99 (from $7.99) through the end of Advent. The…

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