
Bonnets and Caps and EDEL: Oh MY

June 30, 2015

Yes, the bonnets and caps are ready for your delights in my shop, Whole Parenting Goods!!!! It was a lot of tweaking and playing and re-fashioning (I felt like Lydia Bennet in Pride & Prejudice taking my bonnets apart!) but I am thoroughly satisfied with them and hope you are too. They fit perfectly for new babies through small children // sorry not for us, ladies // and the ties are ribbons. Rickrack for fun if you will, or just quiet cotton ties. They keep out the sun and add some zest to my life, at least. Tell me your life is zesty enough, eh? These are just a few of my more than dozen offerings of different fabrics. EDEL: if you’re going to the women’s conference in Charleston next next weekend, I’m so sorry I’m going to miss you. BUT I’m sending along a box full of my products for your purchase. Cash & credit accepted 😉 Come find my handcrafted numbers at the Blessed is She table!! Lurve ze fabric! As usual, subscribers to my Whole Parenting Goods Domestic Arts newsletter get first dibs and a nice discount of some sort. They took a BITE out of these! Thanks for the support, you special friends! If you want to be on the list, subscribe here. But they did leave some pickings for you. I tried to go with fabrics that were nongendered for the most part, and fashioned the caps so they can be with or without a brim. The brim…

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Click Clack Stitch & Sick

June 15, 2015

My quickie update! Oh, I have so many wonderful posts in draft. All kinds of interesting (only to my mother) things! But as I’ve been down with a stomach flu (good thing I’m such a pro at having all-pregnancy long morning sickness so vomiting doesn’t really phase me::no, not pregnant this vomit-sesh) and had family in town so twirly whirly and not lots of typing. But did you hear??? GRACE had her BABY!! And speaking of me not being pregnant, but apparently needing to work out, this happened today that I shared on Facebook: While nursing today, my daughter wandered over to point out my “big belly that might be growing a new baby.” I let her poke it, prod it, sniff it and then told her no new baby right now but that mamas whose babies grow in their bellies sometimes have extra love left in there. That’s what I’m going to call my post-baby bump. Positive body image starts young. They’re watching us! Your responses were so beautiful. And the number of folks whom it resonated with! I really want to show my daughter a healthy love of my body, even when I’m out of shape. Especially when I’m out of shape. Stitch? Did someone say bonnet? Okay, tttttotal non-sequitor but it’s that kinda day. These are piling up on my work table and I cannot *squeeeeeal* wait to do a release of about a dozen to my subscriber list first, and then the commoners. 😉 Have you…

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Me crafting + $200 Amazon gift card + my sister

June 10, 2015

You are all about this, right? Pics of me and my messy studio and my projects? You know how many people post these photos of their sewing room so orderly and you think, I could totally do that. Well, feast your eyes. I cannot operate in an orderly fashion though I dearly wish I could. But before you do, if you’re on instagram, hop over before friday and enter the $200 loop giveaway for an amazon gift card my friends and I are doing? Katrina and I contacted four other friends who run small mama-made shops and we all pitched in for a gift card for you. COME OVER TO INSTA! It’s a way to connect our friends with our other friends who are crafty. Buy small. Buy from a mama. Buy local! My sister Molly’s Brooklyn Herborium biz is in the running for a $100,000 grant. But to be eligible, she needs 250 votes. She’s already over 180! CLICK HERE and click through from your Facebook account. You don’t have to register. Nada. Thank you. She’s a hard working mama of two and she and Emma both are so passionate about making organic skincare for you! How can you say no to their cute cute kids? Okay, here I am. Trying to get all these projects out the door because I have a bunch of new things I want to make for you and can’t stand the wait!! Now you’ve seen my total mess. Hopefully you’ll still be my friend?   All…

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Spring Artisan Giveaway

March 30, 2015

I love meeting ladies who are makers, doers, and creatives. It seems like a lot of us are. There’s a special kinship in my heart for these ladies so I bring you a little spring giveaway of products made by woman-owned small shoppes. Even if you don’t win, I hope you can support these ladies with your business. We have to help each other and when you buy from a local, woman owned business, you are supporting her love, passion, and hard work! 1. Store credit at Faberie. etsy * website * fb * pinterest * instagram I bring you Nadya and her sister Anna who co-founded Faberie, artisenal crafted goods. Yarn work, bead work, and pattern design are their passions. They sent over this merino wool hat & scarflet for the kids. How cool is this scarflet? It stays on because it pulls through a little opening so it can be as snug or loose as desired. I’m a fan. Weather-wise, needless to say March is in like a lion and staying like a lion here in the great midwest so the scarflet has covered those parts of BabyLoves I can’t really cover when we’re out for a walk in the sling. The baby wasn’t feeling like being held. Hardcore ab workout squiggles. And my kitchen is loving these cotton washcloths! The nubby parts make scrubbing at our granite countertop (no harsh scrubbers allowed, much to my constant annoyance due to crusty banana or oatmeal) easy. I’ve been using one…

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Rolling into Travel Mode

March 5, 2015

How many awkward selfless {no, autocorrect, it’s SELFIE} can I litter this post with? I’m rolling out tomorrow for two trips back to back with the baby and cannot wait to have the chance to take more awkward selfies. 1) Another whirlwind week. Lots of play time with the kids and sewing time by myself during the sweet lull of nap time. Almost sweet. One day looked like this. Nurse baby down while older two have unusually happy moments of playing together. Rejoin older two to discover all sheets removed from beds, trucks lined up for truck rally of the sort only toddlers could dream up, and children not ready for bed. I give them a quick warning and run go look for the UPS man. Separate older two, sending SuperBoy up to his napping room (the guest room recently vacated by a dear friend from the Netherlands), and plopping SweetPea on the toilet. She can’t go. Three//four//five songs later and she is in nap mode. Read to SuperBoy this great new book “Built to Last” that I picked up in the bargain room of Red Balloon up the street. Love it. As we round the corner of our last page, she is screaming I MADE A POOPIE AND POTTY. Pause with him. Go back to her, wipe, re-do everything, put an unhappy girl back to bed. Go back to him, finish our page. Go back to her while she screams I AM HUNGRY and trot downstairs, kicking the hallway humidifier in…

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Discounts & Sneak Peeks

February 2, 2015

Sweet friends, I’m offering a little branch off from my blog for subscribers. This series is a little special news from me to you. If you want to be in the know early about sale prices on my smash hit leggings, or my super soft wool blankets, or you want to hear my tips & techniques on selecting quality threads and yarns and how to approach your projects with gusto, you’re in the right place. I’ll also dish when I’m offering a sponsored giveaway & you’ll be the first ones to know! And gosh, I’m so in love with fabric and yarn. Thank you for taking a look around my shoppe. You make it happen. I want to tell you all about my process, but I’ll save that for the next time. And subscribers get a really great discount. Hop on over and subscribe today to get your discount. Sneeeeaaaaak Peeeeek of what’s coming later this month: AII!!!!!

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