planning for sanity when you have a third child on the way

A friend just messaged me about being pregnant with number three. Did I have any tips on preparing oneself? I had to laugh a little because my pregnancy has been so rough in so many ways that getting it through and done is the biggest part of preparing myself for three, four & under! Then I thought about it a little more. How did we know we were ready for another life, or the possibility of it? How was I crazy enough to embark on throwing up for weeks and weeks on end? And then the capstone: wanting no pain meds for labor?? The answer is that you have to leap, always, when you’re open to more kids. There will be unknowns and unexpecteds. There…


Airport Reading {or why my sister says I’m reading “self-help” books}

When I was out of town for the weekend, I indulged myself at the airport bookstore. Twice. Once on the way there, and once on the way back. The first time I was prudent, and bought The Power of Habit, just the one book. On the way home, after several delays, I bought two books for me and two for the kids! I bought How Children Succeed by Paul tough and The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. For the kiddos, Go, Dog. GO! by P.D. Eastman & The Big Book of Words by Richard Scarry. I love Eastman and Scarry. Such great writers! In the past few months, I’ve also read The Whole Brain Child and am working on To Learn with Love. The Whole Brain Child offers…


how I keep my kids from killing each other

Okay, so death is not really on the line. Maybe more like screaming and shrieking to death. That’s probably the biggest risk involved here. And my hearing. My sanity? My own patience? Anyone with two kids aged over 1 and over 3 have witnessed this: SuperBoy playing happily with one truck. He zooms it. He shoves things into it. He talks to himself about what it’s doing. He proudly tells me what it’s doing “going to mass and then to the baseball game to bring the players their communion.” Doo dee doo. SweetPea enters the scene. She had been happily coloring all over a coloring book from the 80’s (90’s?) from the thrift store. You know, long stripes of crayon in an erratic fashion. I glance over…


cleaning my closet: to keep this dress or not?

I’m on a kick. A cleaning kick. No, not like I’m actually scrubbing the bathrooms, silly, but more like organizing and purging. That closet at the end of the hallway? Done. Those dozens and dozens of unused hangers? Gotten rid of. My clothing from college that I literally had in a plastic bag called “college favs”? Done. The mounds and mounds of children’s toys? Purged. Even the ones I like. We just don’t need 17 wooden puzzles for the same age & skill set. Now it’s on to clothing. This is tough. I have accumulated a beautiful lawyer wardrobe. Suits, skirts, blouses, lovely, lovely. I’m not ready to give those up as they were pricey and well-fitted. But when will I wear them again? Those…


why do I blog?

Someone asked me over the wedding weekend what it meant that I wrote a “parenting blog.” Do you write your blog everyday? Do you chronicle your parenting? Does it include how-to youtube videos? were a few of the followups. It took a few minutes to sort through my own mind of what it is I’m doing here, and why, and how to answer this polite person who was genuinely interested in unearthing what on earth I meant by “parenting blog.” Or sometimes I respond to the question And what do you do? with the answer that’s simplest: I’m a stay-at-home mom, expecting my third. Or I do the whole: I’m an attorney who’s on hiatus home with our children (which begs the question of when this…


7 Quickie Takes Friday linking with Jen & the peeps

— 1 — It’s happening. This awesome gathering of women called the Edel Gathering. In Austin. And I’m GOING! Whew, thank you side monies from crafting delightfulness on etsy. You’ve made it happen. Thank you! It’s a conference for mommy bloggers, most of the presenters are Catholic so people like Jen, Grace, Hallie, and co. GREAT stuff, people! Me & BabyLoves will be traveling and compared to traveling with my older kiddos, I know (fingers crossed for no colic) this will be a breezie time. It looks like some great women from law school will be there–I haven’t seen them in soooo long! Hurrah. — 2 — Valentine’s Day is here and I haven’t done anything special for my man. We did color him a…