what’s your prayer life like?
In our newest ep of ye ole Hermit + His Wife (youtube, anchor app) we talk about our prayer lives, how they’ve grown and changed, and where we are at with our marital prayer life, too.
The biggest surprise for me for this episode is Anthony’s observations of my changes since working with Blessed is She (almost 6 years old!). I went from being pretty head-heavy in my faith to now really desiring a relationship with God. These changes can’t happen with the flip of a switch. Loads of grace, the community of writers and the team I work with, and a husband who has always encouraged me to keep going through the late night editing, emotionally draining parts, and time tucked away from our family on weekends to get the work done.
I love hearing his prayer routine (more on that in another episode!) and which 17th century writer deeply changed his awareness of God’s daily presence. To turn to Him daily, moment-to-moment, and recollect our hearts and minds to Him at all times is just an incredible prayer practice.
I’d love to hear about your prayer practices! Please share with us!