Whole Parenting Family

a little honest parenting, four kids in

This blog started as a parenting blog in 2010. Now ten years later, I rarely blog but mostly micro-blog on instagram, or now, blab with my husband on our podcast/youtube. But really, my heart for parents with little kid(s) hasn’t changed.

When I started sharing more about my parenting struggles and consolations, it was, in part, because lots of parenting websites made it sound like a task that could be conquered, mastered, a skill you learn and then apply. Like any other field or area of practice.

But as I say in the latter half of today’s episode, most of parenting starts with disciplining myself, with curbing my irritations and annoyances, by actively choosing to respond with love. And that’s an everyday exercise for me.

So enjoy a little longer episode today on our approach to kids, tending to the person they actually are, and trying to help them grow in their own sense of prayer. I also mention what happens to your fourth kid, Anthony shares when he started podcast listening (midnight dishes), and a few real life unedited tidbits of a three year old interrupting you.


Listen on spotify or anchor (itunes coming!) or watch on youtube.