help for the anxious person

An Interactive Book that Guides You to Make Your Own Toolbox

October 23, 2015

My friend Jenna who blogs at Call Her Happy has crafted a wonderful book: 30 Days to Calm: Create Your Own Anxiety Toolbox. And I love it. I got to be an early reader for it for her. Wow. I want every single person who has struggled with anxiety to read it and follow the prompts, and know themselves better, and have this journal of their triggers and calms, their plans and challenges, their very own personalized book about caring for their anxiety. So here’s a little Q&A with Jenna, and a sneak peek at the book. Go and get your copy here. Jenna, you wrote an incredible book: 30 Days to Calm. Can you share with my readers why you wanted to write this particular book? Why, yes I can. So, for my entire life (but mainly the past five or six years), I have had an anxiety disorder that was getting in the way of my day to day life. I did not want to accept that way of living as my new normal, so I sought out coping mechanisms. And I found tons. Now I am on a mission to share these tools with anyone who might be suffering with the same condition. In the book, you walk the reader through a toolbox of coping with anxiety, but you do so in a way that makes it personalized for the reader—in an interactive way, they get a chance to learn about their triggers and their solutions. How did this…

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