Sitting on the back stair landing, sporting their Whole Parenting Goods leggings, and SuperBoy trying to extract his fingers from his brother’s death grip. We have been blessed with too many hand-me-downs. My sweet cousins and close friends whose families aren’t growing anymore have given us an abundance of hand-me-down outfits for the kids. Such a blessing! My shopping has been limited for the kiddos due to almost no need! But as I went through their closets this week to purge, clear out ill-fitted outfits, and the like, I realized, we’ve got way too much going on in the clothing department. And what outfits do I reach for? And which ones do I pass over? And how can I make myself do laundry more frequently? By eliminating. And donating. And re-hand-me-downing. And selling a few on my insta account. And where do I score good deals on baby & kiddo clothing? Just Between Friends: in person consignment sales. Search for your state. There are 7-8 locations for sales (twice a year usually) in Minnesota! I have found SO many things here, including great toys and outfits. ThredUp: lots of kid & baby outfits, gently used. Zulily: but only when it’s a brand I trust. I’ve had a few failings here. Kickee Pants for girls is on sale right now! Polarn O. Pyret. {{Sales right now on wool layers and outer clothing!!}} I shop my favorite wool brand & outdoor clothing brand for their frequent sales. Joules: fav british brand has an outlet shoppe…
Read MoreHello lovelies. For your perusal: the first week when I had lots of pictures. The second week when you had lots of ideas. The third week when I was out of steam and you guys saved the bacon // dinner. The fourth week which doubled as THANKSGIVING PREP! And now: volume 6: How was your Thanksgiving? Did you eat to your heart’s contentment? For me that would have involved much more pie and as it was, I was definitely overeating the pies. Your recipe failures and successes? Do tell! And this week coming up, now that we’ve had a week to nurse our leftovers and wounds, if any were inflicted. My son has two razor teeth. I can assure you I’m nursing some wounded fingers and other body parts. Moving along to happier fields. Monday: MEAT How about an Alice Waters number because I love her so? She was my gateway to real food. Grilled Chicken with Garlic Puree and shaved zucchini salad. You’re thinking, Nell it’s not summer! But I’m thinking: we have an indoor grill on our amazing stove. And I have zucchini. And already made the bread that tastes so moist with it. Tuesday: SOUP Smitten Kitchen. Am I on repeat here? Let’s do her carrot soup. My friend made it for us the other week and it was Ah-Mazing. Plus I have chick peas I need to use up. Carrot Soup with tahini & crisped chickpeas. Wednesday: BREAKFAST My son was allergic to eggs for three years.…
Read MoreIt’s Turkey Time. Or Pie Time. You name it. This week’s Week Eats I’m just going to talk about Thanksgiving. For us it’s a huge meal with china & silver & starched linen napkins with a very full table. So let’s be honest, I’ll serve leftovers & breakfast for dinner until then 🙂 but maybe make these rolls for the morning of? Welcome to Week Eats! Your weekly meal plan link up // comment on for inspiring each other. For your perusal: the first week when I had lots of pictures. The second week when you had lots of ideas. The third week when I was out of steam and you guys saved the bacon // dinner. The fourth week when I tried lots of your recipes and my family ooooo’d and aaaaa’d. Back to the turkey. Check out Smitten Kitchen’s Thanksgiving Ideas. Or Pioneer Woman. 1) Turkey To brine or not to brine. A big turkey or two smaller. Free-range or no. These are lots of questions. We’ve tried it all and when serving our typical 20+ group have gone with two smaller birds. A twenty pound bird is not as juicy. It’s just not, in my opinion. *note: NOT A CHEF* Brining is lovely and makes you feel like you’re really working for your food. Of course, if you over cook it like often happens around here, it doesn’t save your juicy taste. Free-range meat in general is a big priority for us, even though it costs…
Read MoreSo party people. Five FAVORITES IS BACK! Jenna over at Call Her Happy is hosting. Basically this means you write a blog post about five favorite things happening around the web or products or whatever. Then you link it up with Jenna! It’s such a fun way to hear from your friends and trusted e-companions what’s the haps. What’s on the scene. For those of us living under a rock . . . or in our husband’s bathrobe and slippies– that last word an ode to number 2. 1) Rosehip Seed Oil My sister Molly’s organic skincare line. Omgaaaash. I use it everyday. As do my kids. And my husband. And my mom. And dad. And about half of the continent of Asia as they’re super popular over there. This business is booming and very in demand because people love high quality organic skincare that actually works. No snake oil here. Right now I’m in love with her rosehip seed oil. I use it daily on SweetPea’s dry face and my own wrinkling aging face. Yes. I’m aging, remember?? Molly explains it here. And sells it here. Buy. Slather. Smell nice. 2) Arrested Development I don’t even have to watch it. I’ve seen the whole series so many times. We quote it to each other every single day. Yes. Sometimes it is my only humor for the day. If you somehow were living under a rock and missed this, what are you waiting for? 3) Everyday Sacrament: the Messy Grace of Parenting by my dear e-friend,…
Read MoreYou’d think I’ve got it down. Meal planning. Simple enough, right? You write down what you’re going to eat. Then you write down your shopping list. Then you buy the ingredients and make the dammm food. Simple but oh-so-elusive. I’ve tried for years to be consistent about it. Often in a frantic panic Sunday nights (that, and staring down a huge pile of white dress shirts that firmly require ironing out their set wrinkles for AA’s work). I’ll scream to my husband I DON’T KNOW WHAT WE’RE GOING TO EAT THIS WEEK??!!! Of course, I could pay for a meal plan to have all this sent to me. I tried that. Of course, I could just defrost some meat every night so there was something to eat the next day. I tried that. Of course, I could order a lot of takeout + organic frozen pizza. Yup. Guess who’s done that. But what I’d like to do is a meal planning link up. Saturdays. If you don’t have a blog, no problem. Just comment with your meal plan for the week with either the link to the recipe, or if you are a chef (Mary, Cynthia, Laura, I’m looking at you girls) maybe share your secret recipe with us. If you have a blog, link your post up. It will be open the whole week long. Saturday is a family day, and some people don’t waste time on the internet that day {ahem can’t pretend I don’t}. So anytime during…
Read MoreBecause I’ve had three babies and I know what I needed afterwards . . . I present to you the NEW MAMA gift set! I give you the tour, from the bottom to the top: Witch Hazel Spray I told you about my sister Molly and her organic skincare products before, remember? A distillation of Witch Hazel leaves and bark infused with Organic Lavender buds and Rose Petals to provide superb herbal comfort. ((giving away the bigger one!)) Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) has been used for many centuries as an astringent and general body toner. This amazing formula takes it one step further, tincturing Organic Lavender buds and Rose Petals to provide even more herbal goodness. Each batch is tinctured separately and macerated for at least 6 weeks in the shade. Saturate cotton pads with witch hazel to soothe tired eyes. It has also traditionally been used to relieve hemorrhoids (Amazing!) and varicose veins. Visit her on the web or etsy or in her shoppe in Brooklyn! Lactation Consultation I told you about my friend Leah and her Guiding Star Project before, remember? She’s an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and is donating either one hour online lactation consultation via Google Helpouts (Value $55) or a one hour Phone Consultation (value $35). Because new mamas often need a little professional help (or for me with my second a LOTTA help for cracked//bleeding//screaming pained nipples) with nursing. IBCLCs help with the management of diverse lactation issues. They can help answer simple questions related to…
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