What’s that slogan? Kid tested, mother approved? The slogan for this meal would be mother tested, kid approved. I had a big bag of organic farro from Costco (you know, when Dad calls and he’s going up and down the aisles looking for various organicky goodness to bring home and he calls out “how about some farro?” and I think how do i cook farro?). I googled. I came upon 101 Cookbooks. It’s a recipe journal blog. Fabulous food. I’ve made it a number of times since first discovering it. SuperBoy loves it; AA loves it; I love it. Farro and Millet Risotto Recipe, modified from the 101 Cookbooks recipe. The italicized parts are a direct quotation from the recipe. Forgive some of the photos; it was smartphone…
READ MOREWho me? I’m never not a good listener, good napper, good eater, and good older brother! Don’t listen to the complaints of my parents. Yes, SuperBoy is a total sweetheart, a great older brother, and a complete love. But he’s also human, meaning that from time to time we have outbursts of a two year, seven month old little boy. Whew, he is normal. I’ve got a whole section on toddler behavior chronicling our journey with him, figuring out how to help him help himself to cope with emotions, hormones, and the unpleasantness of not getting his way. Now that he’s a little beyond basic toddler behavior, we’ve had to approach discipline differently. There’s actually some verbal negotiations, some concessions on both sides, and a really…
READ MOREI’m working on a longer post about depression and motherhood, the darkness of parenting days, etc. Heavy stuff. Perfect for Lent. But as I’m not ready to slam you with that, I thought I’d share my light recipe for the winter blues. It’s very cold in Minnesota and I only get outside when I race between the house and the car to go places I absolutely must go (or my children must go–like the train store or BFF play dates). By the time February hits, I’m swimming in the blues of winter. In resolution to not wallow in self pity just because of the climate, here’s what I’m doing. 1) Cooking & baking with greater enthusiasm. I’m cooking with a new vigor, thanks to…
READ MOREThis pantry cake is naturally dairy & egg-free. It’s a World War II recipe to grab what’s already in your pantry and bake up a storm. My paternal grandmother was pretty amazing. And so is her cake. My mom’s creamy chocolate frosting makes a double-deckered delight! It’s Ash Wednesday today, so most Catholics are beginning to gird their loins and offer something up for Lent. We always give up treats. I ate a ton of this cake on Fat Tuesday. And now those of you who aren’t into Lent or didn’t give up sweets can eat a ton of it too! Ingredients & Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix: 2 cups sugar 3 cups flour 1/3 cup cocoa 2 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon…
READ MORESo I’ve been writing an awful lot about parenting lately, neglecting my foodie followers (okay, so there are maybe three of you who love the food posts and not the tantrum ones–shout out to the people in the back!). As promised, a week of recipes complete with photos. Today I’ll begin with one of my easiest and favorites: beef tacos. Prepare yourself for IPhone photos. They’re not the best. Sorry, not a real food blogger who cooks during daylight. Let’s preface this with my big I-Hate-Mexican-Food disclaimer. I know, you’re going to chide me by saying, but Nell, you haven’t tried real Mexican food. My retort: yes, I have. That’s the kind I hate. I lived in Las Vegas for one year. My boss loved…