Why Moms Are Boring

As in me, not my mom. She’s fascinating. No, me, a mom. Why are moms boring? I know, I know, our non-mommy friends try to prop up our paper thin egos and offer encouragement like see–you’re still fun to go out with! You own more than yoga pants! Love that we’re out for drinks! Meanwhile they’re thinking will you ever shut up about your kid’s spasms? I can’t believe you complain about your husband all the time. Do we really have to leave by 9:30? At least they are still friends with us–despite our permanent state of stream of consciousness. But our fellow moms know the truth: we are plain leftover oatmeal boring. That fun girl in her 20’s, who stayed up late, invested in so many relationships…


Sibling Love: a tender moment

I awoke in a rough mood–feeling sugar hungover from all the dough I ate the day before, body sore from working out this week, and generally sleepy. But AA was up, showering, and yes, as I confessed on facebook, I hadn’t made him a lunch. When your awesome husband works 12-14 hour days and you get to be at home with the kiddos, pouncing on the internet every chance you get, eating cookie dough, sprawling in the hammock with your two monkeys, not showering, all these luxuries, you really ought to make his damn lunch. So I got up, pulled my bathrobe on, shuffled downstairs, fumbling a little with the kitchen lights. Who knows if the dog was fed–I mean, she barks as though she…


Bucket List Before the Next Baby

No, I’m not pregnant. That I’m aware of. You know us crazies and our NFP {my article on why we pace our family naturally}. That out of the way, with two kids who finally sleep through the night–not counting SuperBoy’s 10 million getups before he falls asleep–I’ve had so much time to blog, sew, cook, hang with AA, rewatch Alias–yes, guilty pleasure from college. I convinced myself watching it would help me feel inspired to work out. Um. And watch more of it. But in this precious in between kids phase, I do want to be more deliberate in my appreciation for this time. This time with two kids. This time with no morning sickness–all day sickness. This time of lots of me (sometimes us time…


Screen-free household, or how we survive without the boobtube babysitter

Big fatty mcfat disclaimer: I don’t think you are a bad person if you let your kids watch TV. So whew. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about alternatives to screen time. We all learned last year (the year before? mommy memory) that screen time for kids under two years of age should not exist. No no. A big no no. And after two should be limited. The average kid watches like 2-4 hours of TV a day. Not a good stat. Why? It affects their brain development, it inhibits imaginative play, it pacifies them, it gives them lots of images and ideas you may not want in there, it curtails their communication with siblings/you/care provider, and the list goes on. But…


Seven Quick Takes Friday take one

I’ve been following Conversion Diary by Jennifer Fulwiler for a long while now. She’s remarkable, mom of a brood, writer, blogger, reality TV star, and pretty seriously funny. Every Friday she hosts a linkup (for non bloggers, that means other people share their link to their blog post with the same topic/title)–7 Quick Takes Friday–and it’s just that, quick takes from the week. Linking up with her and the rest of the interesting & awesome writers. Without further ado, my week in seven quickies: — 1 — SuperBoy’s tempter tantrums have been slowing down. Kinda. He escalates in a more physical way now–stomping & wringing his hands–over small little things. His sister touching his raspberry. Me requesting him to go to the bathroom and try…


SuperBoy & His Food Allergies: an Update

Joy in kid world. And freaking out your sister. Yes, my poor son is one of those food allergy kids. I shared about his jarring introduction to allergic reactions a long while ago, and now that he’s three we recently had a food challenge in ye ole doctor’s office. That’s when you starve your child until you reach the doctor’s office and then slowly feed him a food he’s previously reacted to and wait & watch as you incrementally increase the amount of the potentially death-inducing food. For four hours. With a three year old. In a small examination room. It’s a peach. A little background for those not willing to delve into the depth of my hyperlinking (I don’t blame you–so often my older…