frequent discouragement
It’s not just because of the global pandemic and my heart is broken for families who have lost loved ones, suffered greatly mentally, economically, and emotionally. It’s actually something I struggle with regularly: discouragement.
Like a wave, it sometimes washes over me and I feel trapped under it. Other times, it is pulled away from me and I see my wet feet but know I’m fine, that it’s an ongoing high tide & low tide. Discouragement can touch on any number of topics for me, and maybe for you, too. Body image, energy levels, bodily health, overcommitting and disappointing people, how impatient I was, and the list goes on. As I grow in my spiritual life, I can recognize, “OH! that’s a spiritual attack or my pride kicking in here–I need to just set this discouragement aside.”
Anthony and I talk about spiritual warfare, discouragement, and hope in our latest episode of the Hermit + His Wife.
Listen or Watch.
He steps through the spiritual attacks that come from within, our own weaknesses, and those that come from bad spirits. I love that he had 5 years of philosophy and theology studies in rich & faithful Catholic environments. He knows so much! And he explains it so that even I can understand: how the will and the intellect interact, the material and immaterial faculties are moved, and custody of the imagination.
I really valued everything he said in this episode, especially the elements of hope! And how Christ has won the war! Okay, I want to hear what you think, too!