Follow Up on Making Friends
Here’s me and one of my best friends, my sister, Molly, and our youngest. She’s the woman behind Brooklyn Herborium hat I’m always talking about.
I wrote a little while back about making friends as an adult and it really resonate with a lot of you! Nothing I love more than touching on subjects that are meaningful to my friends here, so thank you for all your feedback!
I also talked with my good friend Nancy. She’s actually more like a dear friend. For years now she’s been an anchor in my real-life-meets-online group of ladies. If you haven’t entered into part of her movement to help women go deeper and get better at being their best selves, get a hustle on over to her site. If you haven’t listened to her podcast, I URGE you to go go go and listen now.
I’m a guest this last episode and we got to talk F R I E N D S H I P. One of my favorite topics.
Rounding that out, if you want to join the Community Leaders group for Blessed is She and see what we’re offering to start a community group, that link is here. If you want a sneak peak as to what I’ve been working hard on the past few months, that link is here!!!
Back to family vacation week here in Saint Paul. Check you later, alligator!