7 Quick Takes
Oh it’s been a wonderful and wild week. Linking up with the one and only Kelly!
1// we saw friends and friends and no one is sick yet so that is a HUGE WIN!
2// I took the three youngest kids to the grocery store which is a first in my long recovery! It felt so nice to wear the baby (who was happy, thankfully), push the tot in the cart, and be helped in the steering by my big girl. It felt good to be back to some normal activities.
3// Wrapped up your custom legging orders. These ones took me a little longer than expected but I am mailing the last ones out the door tomorrow! On to a special swaddle batch next! My sewing machine is my happy place so thanks for being part of getting me there, friends.
4// Read this. Then laughed and sent to my kid’s teacher.
5// I’ve been burning the midnight oil working on editing a series for Blessed is She for women’s groups. It’s been fantastic to work with seven talented writers and to be part of the process of building community!
6// Eating lots of this.
7// Wishing Madame Secretary wasn’t done for the season but I loved the last episode so very very much.