Christmas Decorating at Our Ancestral Home
How’s preparing for Christmas going in your household? I’ve loved doing the Waiting in the Word Advent study with my girlfriends Nancy & Laura and hundreds and hundreds of women online! I’ve loved getting all my shopping done before Advent started so I could just focus on cleaning my outrageously messy house before my siblings arrive.
Tomorrow my sister and her littles and my mom and other sister arrive from New York. Next week it’s my brother and his wife and their boys. We will all be together for the first Christmas in a very long time!
If you want to read more about our house decorating and the joys of living in my ancestral home (especially joyful at the holidays!), head over to Jenny’s where I’m guest posting.
My shop will close tonight at midnight CST and I’m floored by your generous purchases from me. I love making beautiful organic goodies for the babies and tots in your life! Here’s all that’s left! So shop if you need to!
Hope the rest of your week is bright and merry!! Eat lots of holiday treats and do NOT feel guilty! We can start up #nosugar30 in January 😉