Capsule Wardrobe volume 1: ideas & inspirations for the four year old boy
Sitting on the back stair landing, sporting their Whole Parenting Goods leggings, and SuperBoy trying to extract his fingers from his brother’s death grip.
We have been blessed with too many hand-me-downs. My sweet cousins and close friends whose families aren’t growing anymore have given us an abundance of hand-me-down outfits for the kids. Such a blessing! My shopping has been limited for the kiddos due to almost no need!
But as I went through their closets this week to purge, clear out ill-fitted outfits, and the like, I realized, we’ve got way too much going on in the clothing department. And what outfits do I reach for? And which ones do I pass over? And how can I make myself do laundry more frequently?
By eliminating. And donating. And re-hand-me-downing. And selling a few on my insta account.
And where do I score good deals on baby & kiddo clothing?
Just Between Friends: in person consignment sales. Search for your state. There are 7-8 locations for sales (twice a year usually) in Minnesota! I have found SO many things here, including great toys and outfits.
ThredUp: lots of kid & baby outfits, gently used.
Zulily: but only when it’s a brand I trust. I’ve had a few failings here. Kickee Pants for girls is on sale right now!
Polarn O. Pyret. {{Sales right now on wool layers and outer clothing!!}} I shop my favorite wool brand & outdoor clothing brand for their frequent sales.
Joules: fav british brand has an outlet shoppe where I’ve scored great ones for the kids.
SuperBoy is a simple kid with simple taste. He’s also not in preschool so that means we don’t have to have as many clothes because his sister is okay with him wearing sweatpants (the same ones) a few days in a row. But we do love our church shirts. We meaning he.
You get to see his wardrobe on his bed quilt I made him when I thought he’d love outer space forever. You’re welcome, and he hasn’t.
Dress shirts & pants
A few Polo shirts bought used, a few hand-me-down other brands. I prefer a heavier cotton because it holds its shape longer and is more resistant to little boy antics. For pants I go for a cinch able waist and nice wool or cotton. He doesn’t have to have workhorse dress pants because hopefully he’s not sliding in the dirt or snow in them. Hopefully.
Suit coat.
Brooks Brothers hand-me-down. I had a baby gap number (suit and pants) that I stretched for two years of use. Heavy cotton, for the win.
I love handmades, with the risk of having him look like the kid in About a Boy, and Hannah Andersson. Anything that’s real fibers and can withstand a lot of pummeling. And a sweater vest is a must to keep his shirt kinda in place during a squirmy session at church.
Tops & bottoms.
Waffle knits, plain colors or a basic stripe, those are what I reach for. Graphics & sports themes, no thanks. We cannot avoid the Minnesota Twins obsession but I try to keep it to a dull roar. Collared shirts are nice for the semi-dressier moments in life, but our three long sleeve crew necks get the most action in winter time.
For play pants, I’m all about sweats and ones that don’t have buttons or zippers. He can do snaps and zippers, but really, why bother at this age? And only having five pair or so means he actually beats all of them up, which is great because then I get to see which brands really withstand it. Cords and jeans have been great for the winter, if we’re going to zip. Otherwise, it’s all about the sweats.
The kids have sensitive skin and so we have to go for real fabrics, not synthetics. Kate Quinn Organics cotton pjs have been a wild hit, as have Polarn’s merino wool (double as long underwear, play clothing, and pjs. So triple, really. Toss in a little Land’s End and we’re all set.
Not pictured, but my all time fav, of course, Smart Wool. And then Target cotton for a sorry second best.
You exhausted? I’ll tell you about SweetPea next week, and BabyLoves the week after. Happy shopping & purging. I gave away two bags of clothes. Does this mean I get to shop?? answer: no.
Some links are from former sponsors or for amazon where I get .0002 if you shop through my portal. Thanks!
What a good idea!
Easier all-around.
this is great! I have been capsule wardrobing before it had the cool name. I do a four seasons capsule, so no packing away seasonal clothes. My family is boy heavy, so I don’t even have to think anymore. Three jeans, one khaki, one dress pant, five khaki shorts, two short sleeve polos, one dress shirt with tie, two button-up dress shirts, one sweater, 8 short sleeve t-shirts, 5 long-sleeve 5-shirts, black or dark sneakers that double as church shoes. I won’t bore you with the pjs, excep to say they double as sweats/ athletic clothes as needed. I just had a baby girl after 15 years and four boys in a row. Baby girls clothing compared to what I did 15 years ago for her sister is a crazy vast difference!
I haven’t done this with the kids yet, but I made me a winter capsule wardrobe and love it! There’s something about having an “emptier” closet that makes me feel lighter and happier. I keep saying I need to do this with the kids, but they have so much clothing (especially Clare) that I keep putting it off! 🙂
I am trying to do it for myself and realize I have so many articles of clothing I never ever wear! And for the kids, whew–it has really been a chore but made our laundry easier and the kids are wearing their clothing more thoughtfully now, as in, wearing what they have instead of most of it stuffed in random corners of the dresser!
I love seeing all these capsules everywhere. I went to go make some and I realized I own 20 pieces of clothing. Most unawesome fashion person ever over here. I also find I wear sweaters till July up here.
But for the kids I do have little capsules created since moving to North Country NY (40 minutes from the border) from the south.
PS thanks for the jammies tip! All of my kids have really sensitive skin or sensory overload in regards to fabrics.
Hahaha I’m so not fashionable either! So smart for he kids! And yes, the sensitive skin kills all the cute fleecy jams!
I had that same Ann Taylor dress in pink. Ah, bridesmaid dresses!
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