My Interview with Kristin at This Inspired Life (and six other things from my week)
My week, in seven quick takes. Linking with Kelly & the gang for this so go read other people’s takes which are guarnateeeeeeed to be cooler than mine. Except my first one. Which is so cool.
1. This Inspired Life Podcast!
I had a wonderful interview with Kristin from “This Inspired Life” podcast, a podcast to inspire and encourage you to live your best life. She is just a joy to talk with. The podcast can be found here. We talked recipes, kids, my Whole Parenting Goods hand made business, the works. Enjoy and follow her on Facebook, instagram, and twitter,
Of course I had multiple technology issues before I called her to start the interview. The headphones were missing for our Skype conversation. I couldn’t log into Skype on my desktop but finally got my husband’s username and password to do it on his laptop but then his laptop died and I couldn’t find the cord. I finally got my username and password sorted out, and my desktop rolling, but my desktop fan makes this weird rolling noise and she was forced to listen to that over the headset (which I found in the car??). All the while I was bouncing Mr. I Didn’t Want to Finish My Nap, who, as it turns out, had loaded his diaper with a bomb. I bounced the bomb unknowingly for 45 minutes while standing in front of my rattling desk with the headset on.
Phew. But she was so easy to talk to it was a breeze once we got to chatting.
2. Capsule Wardrobes for kids.
AKA I am sick of seeing them wear clothing I despise and also sick of it not fitting right and also sick of their skin breaking out from non-natural fibers.
So I went on a major organizational kick and purged out the three kids’ wardrobes. Pared it down to a few items that they fit, that are in good shape, and that I find pleasing to look at. Because mama gets to make these calls when they’re small.
SuperBoy’s was listed this week and I’ll do the other kids in following weeks and then grand finale with my own. I’m offering a few of the items that are in great shape but just don’t work for us over on insta.
Some girlfriends are planning a wardrobe exchange party in March and I’m super excited!! We’ll sip fun drinks, snack on tasty morsels, and shoppe each other’s closets. #winning.
A little preview of SweetPea’s . . . . laid out on a mattress with no sheets. Real class here.
3. I read this article by a smart & wise friend, John Cuddeback at Bacon from Acorns. #truth.
4. I failed at Week Eats this past Saturday.
Friday was a bit insane and I can’t even remember how many times BabyLoves awoke throughout the evening but I couldn’t get to my computer to put it up. I know you were all so sad.
Stop smirking. Did you try those fruit snacks I posted last week?? Yum!!
So my friend Katie from the Humble Onion, whom I met this summer at a conference, is awesome enough to host us this Saturday. She’s a real cook. Prepare yourself.
5. I only showered once this week but I bathed four times.
But I don’t wash my hair in the tub. I’m going to tell you it was so wild and thick and dreadlocked I almost let it completely go. And then planned to cut it all with a kitchen sheers in a fit of despair over not finding a hair binder. I didn’t. I actually washed it and brushed it. I felt like a bird molting in the spring. Lots of hair balls. Yeech. There’s a reason I cut off my head in this photo. So you wouldn’t see the grease factor.
6. Leggings are coming soooooooon.
Did you subscribe to my etsy shoppe newsletter? Because that’s where I’m telling you the lady leggings are released. And I have limited fabric. So you better hop on to it, buster.
7. Blessed is She Lent journal.
We sold out of the hard copy journals in a hot second, but now we’re offering a digital download!! Check it: here.
Those leggings!!!