why have a doula?
Taking a little break from talking with and hearing from our mama readers about their birth and parenting experiences, we want to let you know about the Childbirth Collective Movie Premiere! The Childbirth Collective is this really great local non-profit organization that supports birthing families. This Saturday at Intermedia Arts in Minneapolis at 1pm come and see a fabulous film premiere on doulas’ roles in birth. AA & J & I are lucky enough to be interviewed for the documentary that features a number of local families, birth doulas, and local healthcare providers. It should be a real blast and a treat! It was made by our good friend & doula, Emily Rumsey, R.N. She’s pretty fabulous. The official Childbirth Collective website page discussing the film is here. The RSVP for the film itself is here. Please come and learn more about doulas and birth! Or just come and watch little J and how cute he is on film 🙂
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