natural deodorant that works

run around and check out all these nice things!!

August 7, 2015

It’s Friday. That means you get a seven point chop up of my life for the week. And hop to Kelly’s blog to see a ton of other blogger’s 7 Quick Takes too! Highlight of my week? Seeing Haley and her family and then watching our kids enjoy enjoy enjoy themselves. She’s embarked on a wild adventure #crosscountrycarrots on social media. Look at our kids demolishing their popsicles <– new fav makers of them! The kids have no idea it’s all fruit and vegetables and very little juice. 1) Deodorant. Let’s talk about a paste you apply swiftly to your stinky underarms when you haven’t showered for a day or three, and need to go another day. I get in the bath regularly with the baby but that really great scrub & shave in the shower? It can be too long. Too long for the likes of those around me, too long for my baby’s head when he snuggles with me and then smells like me. Too long for everyone involved around here. I have the solution. Really, truly. Pitty Party. Molly’s organic skincare line just released deodorant. Of course, she knows me of old. It works. It WORKS. It WORKS!!!!!!!!! For a long time. And it’s so delicious and easy to put on with your fingers because you just rub it on your hands & knuckles afterwards–no post-application wash required. Not too grainy. Not too thin. All around da best. Buy now. 2) Raising kids with special needs. Did…

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