music for natural labor
Playlist for Birth {because I love tunes}
Music used to play a much larger role in my life. I sang in several choirs, one touring, and had private voice lessons in high school. As a child I even had my own rap group called “Nell, Inc.” Our signature (and only) song went something like this . . . break it down now, puttta, puttta, oh. And all my new acquaintances in high school, college, and law school would share music love with me–introducing me to new tunes, rocking out to well loved tunes together, making music, you name it. Now that I’m a mommy. And a mommy blogger at that. I have little access to the music scene. I’m too busy listening to Scythian’s Cake for Dinner or Burl Ives. Or classical music on Minnesota Public Radio. But when I made a playlist to stream from my iPhone during our third’s birth, I re-countered all these artists and songs I had forgotten about! Listen your heart out. And thanks to sweet people like my BFF (hi, Sarah!!) for continuing to introduce this old lady set of ears to new tunes. Don’t be shocked at the variety. It’s the spice of errr. . . birthing? When you say nothing at all . . . Alison Krauss It was my love song for my horses–because I don’t speak horse, of course. Wild world . . . Cat Stevens My sister Molly loved him as a young teen. Me too, duh. Donna nobis . . . choral arrangement directed by a dear deceased…
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