homemade apple sauce

Homemade Applesauce the Easy Way

March 8, 2012

Chop, Boil, Puree. That’s it. 1) Chop. My dad worked in a slaughter house for years to put himself through school. He still likes to answer his phone with phrases like “City Morgue. You stab ’em, we slab ’em.” Or, “You slice ’em, we dice ’em.” I don’t know that there’s a correlation between the former employment and the City Morgue (animals v. humans, not such a big stretch), but I always think of those phrases when I’m chopping a bunch of anything. As an aside, my dad will eat any meat product, despite the fact that he knows what nasty stuff goes into those no-brand hot dogs. Sigh. I worked with a bag of organic apples from the Coop, and just washed, sliced, and chopped them. You don’t have to go too small, but the smaller it is, the smaller the peels will be. I don’t peel the apples at this stage for J as he doesn’t seem to choke on the occasional peel piece. Younger kiddos, definitely peel them because no amount of blending or even ricing can completely get rid of the peel. 2) Boiling water. You can add the apples before or after the water boils. Whichever you prefer. Just go until the apples are soft. 3) Puree! I added a little bit of water from the stockpot to ease the softening. Usually I use a food mill (which produces better applesauce, in my opinion), but today was a Vitamix day. (I.e., easier.) 4) Serve! and…

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