holy heroes giveaway

how to get inside the holiday spirit {{review, gift, and coupon code}}

December 2, 2014

Step 1: do not go out of town for Thanksgiving. Lap up the days & days of your spouse being home, roasting fires, knitting in front of said fires, and making sure the crawling standing six month old doesn’t hurl himself into said fire. Step 2: decorate for Christmas (or whatever you’re celebrating) right after you’ve consumed more freshly whipped cream than your postpartum jeans thought were humanly possible. Step 3: bust out your Holy Heroes paraphernalia and go to town catechizing your kids via CD and coloring books. But seriously. Jenny from Holy Heroes is a superwoman I met at the Edel Gathering. I LOVED the Holy Heroes cd my friend Cynthia (check out her etsy skillz, for seriously) gave SuperBoy for his birthday but we needed something fresh. We were maxing out on Curious George books on tape (I mean CD, I mean digital file, I mean beam me to the next galaxy and back) and when I saw her booth I practically trotted up to her shouting My four year old wants to be an altar boy so badly and is obsessed with all things Catholic–I need loot. She obliged! She sent over the Joyful Rosary CD and accompanying coloring book AND the Best Loved Prayers of the Mass CD and coloring book. Stop. … Hang on. … Yup. He’s listening to it right now. He repeats the Mass prayers and not-so-gently instructs his sister and cousin on them. Complete with practicing the EF in Latin, he now can…

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