healthy food for kids

Week Eats Saturday :: linkup, comment up, food help for meal planning

October 25, 2014

Hi friends! I’m so so so excited about this new linkup. I also have no idea what I’m doing. Patient with me? Pretty please? So here’s the plan. I am going to slap this baby up here every Saturday morning until you tell me to stop. I’m going to meal plan aloud, and then get really excited about all the ideas you’re telling me, and probably change my meal plan all up. But that’s okay! If you’re a blogger, follow the linkup below and post your actual meal plan blog page. If you’re a normal person, {hi, Molly}, comment with a recipe or seven that you’re going to do // like or just food planning tips. Share your wisdom with the masses! I have a few recipe posts from the past. 4 Easy Family Recipes // 7 Yummy Recipes // Quinoa You’ll Like // Whole Grain Pancakes // and Baking for the Mama Heart (and more, yes, search for “food” in the search box. My plan: Sunday: Broccoli Cheddar Soup. Monday: Swiss Chard & Sweet Potato Gratin. Tuesday: Veggie Bean Soup. Exactly what it sounds like. No recipe. Just chop veggies & beans and add cheese. Basic basis soup. Wednesday: Tilapia (white fish) and coconut rice with mango & red pepper & onion. My BFF made this for me. And it is SO good. Thank you, Sarah! And check out her recipes over there. White rice (long grain or short) cooked in coconut milk, fish pan friend with seasoning of…

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7 Ways We Still Practice Natural Parenting (despite having three kids)

August 18, 2014

Three kids. Oh. Wow. We have to adjust and adapt. Lots of this lately: Baby wakes up and has wet a little through onto the bed. Spit up. On me. The bed. I remove his diaper and think–where’s a clean one–while I’m fumbling for it, his lovely water fountain of pee erupts like a happy geyser. Me wet. Bed wet. Pillows wet. Still fumbling for a clean diaper. Cursing my glasses as I can’t find them. Get new diaper. Before I get it on, the churning of the poo begins and then me, bed, pillow (wet), clean diaper, and freshly awakened husband sprayed by a hose of poop. Then things like this happen. Big kids in tub with me and baby. SuperBoy decides to dump water on his sister who in turn decides to practice her swimming kicks–in his face. They’re both crying, the baby in my arms is trying desperately to get away from me, scooting scootching toward them, the fight, the thrill, the fray. I’m hollering for AA to come get the baby so I can deal with the big kids. When we do all get out of the tub, dripping in annoyance with each other, and I put her on the toilet, she promptly forgets her head is her center of gravity and falls off. Splat. Right onto her head by way of a stool catching the corner of her temple. Screaming. Everyone.  So you could say it’s a little busier around here. We’re still determined to be as crunchy, natural, odd-ball as possible. Despite…

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