healthy dinners for family

You Know, that Kind of Week

April 30, 2015

Brimming with lovely things to tell you about, dear friends. Just brimming. Head to Kelly’s for better & more seven quick takes! 1. FOOD But first, to bring you the news of  . . . what we’ve been eating. Super classy string cheese caprese salad. Broccoli italian sausage penne béchamel sauce yum yum. 2. FRIENDS We visited a close family friend’s new home in the woods. Oh my goodness it was so resplendent and mighty. The kids roamed freely and my heart just burst with joy for their family for finding their dream home. It’s only an hour away (though I wish they lived a minute away) so easy day trip for us! The grandmas enjoyed their grandkiddos but I failed to get a shot of all of the kids that were there. SHEA, why didn’t I take this when you guys were still there? 3. RADIO Do you know Heather, Rebecca, and Bonnie? Because I love these ladies and I love that they’re debuting their radio show this Sunday night at 7:30 pacific time. I got to hear a sneak preview. Let’s just say I was snorting with laughter. You want real moms dishing it like it is with a side of Catholic? Yup. Go, girlz! 4. NEW ETSY I LURVE My girlfriend Katrina makes art look effortless in her new hand drawn & watercolored print shoppe on etsy: Hatch Prints. Visit, buy, and ooh and aah! I bought this for my mom for mother’s day. And this for…

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