healthy baby food

Healthy First Birthday Cake

July 14, 2011

  When little SuperBoy hit the big 1 and we knew we’d have an intimate close friend/family BBQ, I began my search for a healthy first birthday cake recipe for him. As he hasn’t had any sugar or white flour to date, why start now? It took a little digging around on the internet, but I found this great site and followed its recipe with some modifications.  Wholesome Baby Food Momtastic. 1) Recipe. a. 3 medium sized carrots, peeled and sliced or 2 1/2 cups of any size carrot sliced b. 1 + 1/2 cup organic apple juice concentrate — put in a small pot together over the stove and bring to a boil for 15 minutes or until carrots appear to be softened, then puree in Vitamix or with hand blender or in blender of whatever sort. We love our Vitamix! Keep aside. Blend in a medium bowl:  c. 1/2 cup veggie oil d. 2 farmer fresh eggs e. 1 teaspoon vanilla (I love vanilla so I always add a little more) f. 3/4 cup applesauce (had to pull this out of the freezer as I made applesauce over the winter) In a separate bowl mix together: g. 2 cups whole wheat flour h. 1/2 cup wheat germ (which I have handy because we add it to James’ food on a regular basis) i. 2 Tablespoons baking powder (not soda, mind you) j. 1 Tablespoon of cinnamon Now add the wet and dry mixes together, and fold in the…

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