food meal plans

Week Eats v.6 // Meal Plan Comment & LinkUp to help us slacker moms

December 5, 2014

Hello lovelies. For your perusal: the first week when I had lots of pictures. The second week when you had lots of ideas. The third week when I was out of steam and you guys saved the bacon // dinner. The fourth week which doubled as THANKSGIVING PREP! And now: volume 6: How was your Thanksgiving? Did you eat to your heart’s contentment? For me that would have involved much more pie and as it was, I was definitely overeating the pies. Your recipe failures and successes? Do tell! And this week coming up, now that we’ve had a week to nurse our leftovers and wounds, if any were inflicted. My son has two razor teeth. I can assure you I’m nursing some wounded fingers and other body parts. Moving along to happier fields. Monday: MEAT How about an Alice Waters number because I love her so? She was my gateway to real food. Grilled Chicken with Garlic Puree and shaved zucchini salad. You’re thinking, Nell it’s not summer! But I’m thinking: we have an indoor grill on our amazing stove. And I have zucchini. And already made the bread that tastes so moist with it. Tuesday: SOUP Smitten Kitchen. Am I on repeat here? Let’s do her carrot soup. My friend made it for us the other week and it was Ah-Mazing. Plus I have chick peas I need to use up. Carrot Soup with tahini & crisped chickpeas.   Wednesday: BREAKFAST My son was allergic to eggs for three years.…

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