flying with an infant

When We Went to Italy with a 3 Month Old . . .

April 2, 2011

or when my sister got married in Tuscany when J was three months old. Truly, it was breathtaking, awe-inspiring, and profoundly spiritual. The downside was traveling with a three month old to remote Tuscany. Many friends proffered suggestions upon my call for advice and here’s the distilled version of traveling with an infant overseas: 1) KEEP THE INFANT PAPER TICKET THE AIRLINE ISSUES. Infant international tickets are not stored electronically. We learned that the hard, horrific, and expensive way on our voyage home. Enough said on that score. 2) Meds. We brought Hyland’s teething tablets, ear meds (for cabin pressure), baby Tylenol, nasal saline drops, and any other medication you can conceive of. J never had a single medical episode but at least we were prepared. 3) Breastfeeding for cabin pressure. Nurse on takeoff, landing, and any time panic strikes (you or the baby). 4) Scout extra room. Ask the nicest looking flight attendant for a bassinet, or to be moved to an aisle where there’s an extra seat. 5) Diapers. Changing diapers in the tiny bathroom (which lacked a changing table!) was next to impossible. We simply changed J on our laps, or on the extra seat we had. 6) Hands free. We used our Ergo and no stroller/car seat. It worked swimmingly as we were with 5 or 6 other adults. I did take a domestic trip alone with J and brought the stroller. If you are traveling alone with a stroller system, be prepared for TSA not to…

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