finding satisfaction as a mom
I feel like a broken record. Didn’t I just write a post about finding satisfaction right where I am? Did I? I wrote about making where I am awesome. Maybe that’s what I’m thinking of. But with every few months in the lives of parenting littles, times change. I even chatted with Brigid and Elise on the Caritas Podcast about how something as basic as how I approach Lent as a Catholic has changed since I had kids. Listen to it here and read the show notes here. As being a mom is already challenging (yes, I still give up treats as is our family tradition), I no longer have to find things that are penitential haha (mass with small kids. enough said). I’m dissatisfied with a number of things about my life. And I was even more sick of hearing me b*tch about them, over and over again. My house is untidy, I’m out of shape and compulsively eating fudge <<before lent!!>>, I don’t sleep enough, often dinner isn’t made or made well. So I drew a big ole list up. What I want to change Followed by another list. How I am going to do it I did have to face the reality that somethings got crossed off. I’m just not going to get to them. And that’s okay. I tackled what I could and made a plan. Reading Better than Before is really helping me with making new & better habits, too. 1) Cluttered House. We planned…
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