favorite audio stories

Audio Stories Recommended by Age

August 6, 2016

I’ve been talking about my favorite audio stories for years, but I always get asked which ones for which ages? My kids are 6, 4, 2, and 21 weeks in utero and we have been Jim Weiss fans for about 3-4 years. We use them for quiet time for the oldest during the two smaller ones’ naps. We use them for car rides (long ones, too). We listen to them at breakfast to break up the fighting. We use them to augment our faux homeschoolering. I didn’t include the history ones that we love because I’ll do that in a different faux- homeschooling post this fall. We one a few dozen so this is not all of them, but a good place to start. Your library should be able to get them for you but amazon links here (disclaimer that the blog gets $.02 for any purchases you make through me) make for click click easily. Without further ado: Audio Stories birth to 2: Good Night Animal Tales First Stories to Last a Lifetime Fairytale Favorites Audio Stories 2-4 years old: Uncle Wiggly’s Storybook Just So Stories Tales from the Old Testament American Tall Tales Audio Stories 4-6 years old: Greek Myths Egyptian Treasures Mystery! Mystery! Shakespeare for Children I Said I Could and I Did 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and lots lots more. But these are always an arm’s length away from my little stinkers. Keeping me sane, one CD at a time!

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