end of pregnancy
Or when I wet myself in our kitchen. There. I said it. Embarrassment over. Or just beginning? At either rate, when SuperBoy exclaimed “Oh, Mama, you had an accident!”–turns out the kid was on to something. You see, I thought I was a water-breaking pro. My water has broken with both the other children so I figured I’d know it when I felt it/saw it/dare I use another sense? It was the perfect day to have a baby. Saturday morning, my sister went off to help close family friends move as did AA. I took the kids in the double stroller I gratefully inherited from a cousin for a vigorous walk. It’s been a while since I was that brave as to actually attempt exercise, but I’d have a great sleep Friday night. I had finished knitting a special blanket for BabyLoves with this beautiful hand-died yarn my brother & sis-in-law gave me last year. The stars had aligned. I was ready for an adventure, a warm beverage, and maybe a bakery item. Off we zoomed. The kids were happy! It was sunny and bright! The cinnamon swirl I got from Bread & Chocolate was perfectly baked and the kiddos gnoshed their croissants merrily. We headed back down Summit Avenue, actually seeing AA’s red truck he had packed with our friends’ furniture roll down the road in front of us! Yes, I was feeling contractions and tightness, both of which I attributed to my being abysmally out of shape. As…
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