dealing with a screaming infant

When Your Infant Screams and Screams and You Do Too (Inside)

June 29, 2012

Do you have a newish baby? Is this your first? Are you finding that after about 2 weeks, suddenly your little angel finds a screaming tone, a crying hue, a little bit of the ability to drive you to despair? I had forgotten this phase, but certainly remembered and rediscovered it with SweetPea. She’s a remarkably calm and easy going baby, way more so than SuperBoy at her age (and I thought he was easy). But every now and then she SCREAMS and it is terrifying. Run through the list: Hungry? (remember babies can cluster feed so if you feel like you just nursed or gave a bottle, she could be hungry again) Burp? (see here for my post on how to get those burps out {Burp Up}) Diaper? (these also happen more frequently than one would think)–if these are all checked off the list, go for the big one: Baby is tired. This is the number one reason I’ve found infants go bah-zurk. I mean like screaming like you’re cutting them. I mean like the neighbors think you ARE cutting them. Small babies have limited communication tools. Pretty much, their voice is it. Your baby can be hit with the fatigue bomb anytime during the day–this isn’t just a night fussy thing. (We generally don’t start shaping sleep patterns until after three months, as babies just nap in the sling, or swing, and snuggle up anywhere to take a snooze when they’re little.) Try to watch for the signs–fussing,…

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