creative kidstuff

Errands with a Year Old Boy

July 22, 2011

Today was an errand day. J was a trooper in his Ergo in this heat. We don’t usually do errands together as I try to save those up for when my mom or sister can watch him. Both of them haven’t been around lately, so little man and I went out today. A few tips for errand running with a squirmy toddler: 1) Wear the child if possible. If he or she is even remotely carriable, it is way easier to peruse the aisles, pack the groceries, or make the detailed selections on fabric with a child strapped to you, versus scooting or toddling away from you. We live in our Ergo Baby Carrier, but once our Rockin’ Wrap arrives (thank you, Larissa!) with its beautiful horse head design, J will have two places to live while attached to me. J found the aisles of CVS particularly amusing and tried to lunge for the hair samples attached to the bottles of hair color in the shampoo aisle. Luckily he was attached to me! 2) Bring water or a snack. We brought homemade biscotti (whole wheat! (recipe to follow)) and a sippy cup with water. Naturally J only wanted the water once I took the cap off as he likes to drink out of “big boy cups” instead of his cup, but he did get a little hydration which was key in this heat. The biscotti was a great hit in the car when he realized he couldn’t rip apart the envelope he…

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