coping with labor problems

Birth & Parenting Series (4): How First-Time Parents Braved a Placental Abruption

February 13, 2012

This is part 4 of our Birth & Parenting Series. Part 1 (Thoughts From a Mother of Four) is here, part 2 (Mother of Seven Shares Her Empowering Birth Stories) is here, and part 3 (First-Time Mother of Twins) is here. This brave first time mama shares about how she and her husband met their son in a surprise emergency C-section after plans for an unmedicated vaginal birth. She suffered a placental abruption, but miraculously she and her son survived, thrived, and are already at 7.5 months into parenthood. As her story unfolds here, her faith in God and love she shares with her husband is particularly poignant.  1. Tell me a little bit about your beautiful son.  Micah was born in June and is 7-and-a-half months old.  He has big, bright eyes, and a sweet, curious personality. These days, he cracks himself up by spitting and razzing while we’re feeding him.  I cannot get enough of this . . . even if it means I find bits of baby food in my hair afterwards. 2. When you first started to think about labor & delivery for your son, how did you envision it going? My husband and I had high hopes for a natural delivery.  I would imagine myself being strong through the labor pains and just embracing the experience, no matter how difficult.  We (naively) pictured ourselves having time to crack jokes and becoming buddies with the nurses, etc.  I even included my hair dryer on my packing list!  Apparently, I thought…

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