coffee beans

Roast Your Own Coffee Beans

June 22, 2011

This is a post by my husband and avid coffee lover, AA.  He learned a few years back from a dear friend (and philosophy professor) all about roasting coffee beans and now has his own style to do so. After J was born, my appreciation for coffee took on a new form.  Sure, caffeine can be a plus, particularly when you’re taking care of a newborn.  But there is a goodness to coffee that is unique.  Cradling a warm cup of java in the wee hours of the morning can lead to epiphanies previously unknown. In an attempt to economize, I purchased some cheap coffee.  It tasted like sawdust.  I wasn’t thrilled with the alternative of opting for (settling for) purchasing coffee beans from one of the mega-chain coffee shops, so I decided to go it my own.  Roast my own beans.  Why not?  There’s something invigorating about slurping your own brew.  For those of you who are coffee drinkers and are looking for the perfect cup of coffee, you should try roasting your own beans.  Like many things, it can be as complicated as you’d like it to be, but it’s simple if you don’t overthink it.  It’s a gritty form of art. 1) Materials. A.  Something to roast the beans.  Strangely enough, popcorn makers do the trick nicely.  What you’re looking for is something that can distribute heat evenly while not overheating.  I’ve had great luck with my handy dandy Toastmaster, which you can find almost anywhere for…

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