china disabled children

A song to make you cry

January 15, 2015

“How can you say there are too many children? that is like saying there are too many flowers in the garden of God.” I listened to this song about ten times by watching the youtube video. I was crying, of course. Danielle Rose is a familiar singer//song writer to me through my Godmother, of all people. Danielle is about my age, I’m sure we have friends in common through the small Catholic world. But I hadn’t heard of her until my Godmother gave me her music where she’s singing the rosary when I was in law school. My Godmother, God rest her soul, was an incredibly sassy and saintly woman. I miss her warmth no-BS approach to life and still listen to that sung rosary and think of her. When I found out Danielle had gone to China to spread the word about this incredible group of people caring for abandoned disabled babies & children, my heart flooded with that warm love feeling. I’ve followed the work at Little Flower Projects for a few years now and their newsfeed on Facebook arrests my heart and my day when I see images of these beautiful babies and kids, being different, being loved. Being handicapped in China is a huge social stigma and abandoning your child who is is common, according to what I’ve read and heard from medical worker friends who’ve been there. Sigh. I’d like to think our wonderful culture which is inclusive and offers so many medical treatments and…

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