catholic podcast

EP 2 of the Podcast on Vocation

April 26, 2020

  We are now deep in podcast//(video youtubing it) land. Anthony’s big quote from this one? “God doesn’t want a set of accomplishments, He wants you.” This episode is a wee over 20 minutes and tells the stories of our discernment of vocation–both marriage and our jobs. I never get tired of hearing how Anthony had a winding road through the diocesan seminary, FSSP major seminary, then a hermitage, then an insurance company, teaching high school Latin, and meeting me in law school. Mostly I delight on the law school part! But something that’s struck me throughout the years is that if Anthony hadn’t taken that road, if he had finished at Notre Dame and gone on to law school right from there, not only would we never have met, but his deep spirituality wouldn’t have had a chance to flourish. He is a truly spiritual person of prayer. And now it’s been over 20 years of cultivating this. How many times have I seen him in quiet prayer while the kids are playing and I’m bustling around (MARTHA ALL THE WAY). How many times has he responded charitably to people treating him badly or helped me re-see a situation where I’m enraged? How does his example of a posture of prayer shape our kids’ daily rhythms? I’m grateful for his road. And I’ve written so much here over the years about my own journey of adjusting to being a mom at home, and gradually growing alongside Blessed is She…

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