catholic liturgical calendar

And who wants a planner from Blessed is She? {giving you one!} CLOSED

August 3, 2016

I can’t say I’m a great planner. Ask my friends whom I stood up for 45 minutes the other night because I was sitting in bed thinking Gosh, I’m pretty sure I had something today but I don’t see it on my ical . . . . And I can’t pretend this summer hasn’t been a blur of pregnancy related illness, one massive trip to the East Coast we kinda fumbled through, a grueling soccer camp that the two older kids loved and I languished in the heat for two+ hours each morning (but honestly just talked to my mom friends the whole time so while eating the snacks I brought for my kids__^_^__), and now it’s August with more travel and trying to get my life around the fact my oldest will go to school and needs things hemmed. And I’ve reopened my etsy shop with fall blankets and gift sets! Leggings coming soon (if you want to be the first to know when they launch and have first dibs on fabrics and a discount, newsletter for it is here). And yet, it has been my favorite summer because we weren’t stacked up with a million activities. The day-to-day has been hanging out, enjoying the seconds of quiet between the indignity of children who live with other children, and remembering that pretty soon I’ll need to be “on it.” Like, don’t forget to pack a lunch for your kid so now you can’t just grocery shop whenever but must plan ahead,…

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