carrot cake waffles
We ate so well this weekend! It started with inspiration from Frugal Granola‘s menu plan: Carrot Cake Waffles from Willow Bird Baking and ended with Farmgirl Fare‘s delicious pizza. I hate to say I didn’t take a single photo. Not one. And we had fresh whipping cream that my sister whipped up for the top of the waffles, and pure maple syrup, and fresh fruit! The pizza ended up being a few cheese, a few andouille sausage, and a few veggie medley (artichoke hearts, yellow bell peppers, carmelized onions). I tripled her dough recipe to feed 10 hungry adults and one starving toddler. Yes, little J loves loves loves homemade pizza. My family did most of the cooking and I got to bask in the glow of happy feasting! Great food, good family time, and happy tummies. I hope you ate well this weekend!
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