can’t sleep and very pregnant

7 Quick Takes for Sleepless Week with Jen & Ladiez

April 10, 2014

— 1 — Sleepless life. That’s what 36 weeks of pregnancy has given me. I’m a total insomniac. Leg cramps & stocking up– elevate your legs. Heartburn–keep your chest upright. I need one of those trapeze artists’ bars so my body can both be up and down and down and up at the same time. Because you all love to hear about pregnancy woes, I’m going to regale you with seven things to do when you can’t sleep. Right about . . . . now. Number 1 is obviously scratch out some blog posts. And read some of your favs. Did you ever know how Cup of Jo started? Interesantes. Or how Kendra’s day looks? Or how Lindsay’s two year old is so stinking cute. (Now that SweetPea is 2 and one day, she’s looking more and more like a big girl.) Or what kind of donuts you could be baking? Don’t think I didn’t do some zullily shopping and get a donut baking sheet. You tell me. — 2 — Shop for King Sized duvet cover & bedskirt. Let’s be honest. I love to sew. But not things my household actually needs. Remember that I sewed about a dozen little girl skirts? And I’m having a boy? Oh, yes. Back to my sewing list of things for the household. I won’t tell you how many items are in the mending pile. You either won’t believe me or you’ll think I’m even more horrible than you already think I am.…

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