best skin care

What to Use Instead of Chemically-Filled “Normal” Skincare Products

March 30, 2014

So we’re all living within some budget, right. And we all compare the generic brand to the fancy and think Really? That much more? And then we grab the lotion that’s on sale, and away our cart zooms down the aisle. That’s how we’ve always done skin care. It seemed like a real luxury to buy anything organic or high end, even, and frankly, a potential waste of moolah. I didn’t care about the vitamin-A saturated wrinkle eye cream (maybe I should have started to earlier?), nor did I really care about what kind of lotion I put on, if any, in the harsh winters after my (infrequent) shower. Two things changed this perspective: SuperBoy’s eczema and my sister becoming an herbalist. I’ll start with the herbalist part. Many of you know about the sister right above me, Molly, who lives out in New York with her two sweet girls. She’s the one I’m always face timing or blabbing to on the phone. Or days like today when we spent an hour on the phone, much of which was spent talking to our children or putzing around our houses. Just hanging out. On speaker (which drives our brother nuts). She is a graphic designer by trade and worked in the field almost a decade before turning her sights to . . . herbs. I’ve blogged about her momma line before, remember? She joined up with her girlfriend Emma at Brooklyn Herborium and does everything that you can visually see (still a…

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