Catching Up in 7 Quick Takes
Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi.
I do still run a blog, albeit a very neglected blog. I’m here! Hi! Late to link up with Kelly and the gang.
1 __ 1 Still doing projects and unpacking.
Anyone who has moved with children, God bless you, because MAN I am still slowly unpacking parts of the house. The parts I knew needed attention right away, like sound machines and bed sheets, and legos, and toothpaste? Yeah, those are all set. But the den and my workspace and those empty frames I’m hoarding? Not so much.
The construction is slowing down. No major projects but lots of putsy ones. Beautiful new bookshelves built-in, new light fixtures, caulking (and caulking and caulking), and painting. That kinda stuff. And a new fence. I love our contractor and his crew so we will miss their company when they actually flee away from us and our constant kid shrieks.
2 __ 2 Blessed is She
What’s new with Blessed is She, Nell? Oh, you know, just a new wall calendar, 2018 planner, journaling Bible, Blessed Conversations, and our amazing Laura Kelly Fanucci’s Lent journal! I’ve hosted two sessions so far for Blessed Conversations. I love the format. I love the community that’s coming together to form a sisterhood with it. Basically, I love it.
I also got to flee myself with the babe to go to a leadership retreat with Jenna, Beth, and MaryRuth. We came out of the weekend refreshed, thanks in large part to amazing prayer time and advice from our spiritual adviser. He’s a holy and hilarious man. Perfect combo for God. The baby also had a wonderful time smacking everyone in the face and practicing her walking skills.
I’ll be running a workshop on dealing with spirit dryness on Tuesday, December 5th at 8central. Sign up for that here if you’re interested!
3 __ 3 Holiday gifts from my etsy shop!
I’m working on a few bib sets, pilot caps, and will open custom leggings on Monday at 9 central. BUT if you like early bird selections and pricing, sign up for ye ole newsieletter. It’s a shambles in my work space but I am loving slipping away for an hour or two to create again. It’s a gift for my sanity. Thank you for shopping small!
I also reopened three slots for custom linen dresses!
Whole Parenting Goods here!
4 __ 4 Making time for music
We signed up our 5.5 year old for violin lessons, even though I thought she’d play the cello, or piano for that matter as our new house came with a 100 year old one. But we love our oldest’s teacher so very much, and she could slide her in before his lesson, and after lots of hyping it up, she’s loving it. Albeit we’ve had one lesson. She’s well known to be the most fickle child alive.
I’m practicing my cello because someday I need to get beyond book 1 of Suzuki. Guys, it’s only been 10 years. A lil vid on my ‘gram of me trying to practice with baby around!
5 __ 5 Houston, we have a walker
She started at 10 months old and now I’m like, please, girl, you’re slaying it! She’s 11 months old now–HOW DID THAT HAPPEN–and happiest walking if she has something to grasp with her Gollum fingers. I think it gives her balance. She thinks it gives her swag. Either way, bonus points if it’s something she can drape over her neck like a phone charger or the cord to the sound machine.
6 __ 6 Thanksgiving is almost here
Do you have your menu planned? I’m hoofing to my sister’s across the street and bringing all the sides. I’m thinking Smitten Kitchen, Pinch of Yum, and Alton Brown will help me decide. Let’s be honest, you’re going to. Spill your fav sides!
7 __ 7 Sickness in the house
We have had a month of it. Strep. Two rounds of vomiting. Three colds? I don’t know that we’ve ever been this sick. Is it two kids in school, one of them part-time mostly outside? Is it the changed environment? Is it the ungodly amount of boxed mac & cheese we’ve been eating? Idk but that feeling of hot vomit down your shirt and puddled in your lap is one I could do without for a while. But then I read about friends of friends who said goodbye to their baby and think bring on all the vomit, God, but keep these kids alive.
Okay, what’s new with you?
Good to see you back.
Moving with small children
Father Park married my husband and I in 2012! Still miss him at our parish!
I love that!! He is just remarkable.
should have put in main post. winner every year. always requested, easy to make, don’t omit the salsa verde as it’s AMAZING and I even started making it regularly just to put on veg dishes year round.
AND RESPECT THE MANDOLIN. don’t cut your finger nearly off like my husband did the first time he made it.
WOW. Making this. Thanks, girl.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! You’re the best. Couldn’t be more honored to work with you and call you a friend.
Love you, sister.
#7 hits me, at 1:30 am this morning with a sleepless feverish child, the Holy Spirit reminded me, she is alive and to offer this night up for those mothers who would love to be up holding and rocking their little ones.
Love your post, I’m hosting Thanksgiving for both sides of our family and have a sick baby and my husband is now down sick as well, pray this momma stays healthy!! And I love Pinch of Yum
Oh my goodness praying for no sickies!!!
Moved with children this fall back to Midwest to be closer to family…yeah and pregnant too! That was fun!!!!! (Not.)