Where I’ve Been
Oh these quick takes are some of my favorite ways to follow what my blogging friends have been up to. Thanks for hosting, as always, Kelly! This lil gallery above is basically my life right now. In a very small nutshell.
The past month has been a lot of airports, speaking, wearing the big babe all day, and connecting. I do love to connect with people and this month was no exception!
Blessed is She retreats. I got to go to both Phoenix’s and Austin’s! I got to stay with my friends and co-ministry-sisters. The baby was spoiled by lots of other adults holding and loving on her. Erica, you in particular! Emily, you too! Many women shared their hearts and I feel warm and special to have heard what was stirring in them. Thank you for your trust and openness, sisters! Thank you, Jenna, for starting and enabling this ministry. It’s such a blessing for so many of us. Follow the hashtag #bisretreat on insta if you want to see what it was like!
Catholic women blogging conference in the Twin Cities. Already blerged it, so hop here if you missed it.
My house is a shipwreck.
You may experience this too. You are torn. Do I spend time with my kids, laughing, reading, actually playing? Or do I tidy up? And while it’s not one or the other all the time, I am gravitating toward living with more clutter and mess than usual because I have such limited energy. Either I snuggle and read or I let the kids do their thing (which is sometimes fight-free for up to three minutes) and run around hoping the baby doesn’t have to nurse while I put things away.
Everything has a season. My season right now is either to nurse, do something quick & creative, or play with my kids. I have to save up time on weekends for mass-scale organization and true cleaning. That is a-okay by me.
My healing continues to be slow.
How can this be? She’s almost 4 months old, Nell?! Hey, she had shoulder dystocia and I had a separated pelvis and fractured tailbone.
The truth is, ligaments simply take time to heal and regain whatever elasticity is possible to regain. I’m diligent about my physical therapy exercises and now am doing chiropractic work as well. My pelvis is still twisted and my pubic bone uneven. More for a full-on-postpartum post later, but suffice it to say, I feel old and creaky and humbled by my limitations.
Have you followed this? I can’t click away. Please give a little if you can. Our sisters and brothers across the globe need our help.
My Rosary-a-day attempt for 90 days til Fatima’s 100 year anniversary is going pretty well! The facebook group is a place of encouragement. Let me know if you want to join. I’ve learned a lot about my attention span and spiritual wuss-i-ness through the process. The power of Our Lady’s love and intercession cannot be understated, though, and I’m feeling it already!
My etsy shop, Whole Parenting Goods, is reopened! Did I already tell you that? Mama brain. The pillows are up and swaddles and a few bloomers and leggings too. More will be added this weekend and next week as I cheerfully chip away at my sewing machine a moment here and there. Oh, and caps, too!
What’s new with you?
So much goodness happening here. (Minus the pelvic pain! I’m sorry you’re still suffering through that.)
All your baby goods are dangerous…making me want another little one to swaddle in your gorgeous blankets and clothe in your adorable bloomers. 🙂
Gimmme all those babies!
Such a fun update Nell! Man, pelvic troubles sound just as bad as c-section troubles. Nothing heals very fast. Even though life doesn’t slow down very much. I’m glad you are keeping after PT. Self care is so important. A wise friend gave me some sage advice, piano piano si otterrà lì.
That means “slowly, slowly, you will get there.” (In Italian). Thinking about tattooing that on my forehead.
That’s so brilliant.
Keep up the good work with your rehab for the pelvic pain, I know it will pay off soon! Praying! Your shop is so beautiful!! Have a great Sunday!
Awww thanks for the encouragement!