My Under $20 Gift Guide
Don’t panic. Do not panic that Christmas is within spitting distance. I have to admit (in anticipation of early ((hopeful, I know)) labor) I did all my Christmas shopping a few weeks back, wrapped it all up, and barely remember what I actually bought. Then I remembered and was so delighted! We’re doing a minimalist Christmas for the kids (thank God they can’t read the blog . . . yet) so I wanted to share my finds with you so you can see how Grinchy I am get inspiration.
YOXO PBS Build It Kit for everyone.
My friend Jeff runs this amazing toy company and shopping small is so important at the holidays! Check out his newest partnership with PBS Kids! And use the code “wholeparenting” for 25% off the whole site!! My kids love his stuff and the fact that it can become many things means it lasts so much longer as a toy of interest.
Dog-Opoly for all of us.
Life changing. Laura’s kids introduced us and I don’t know if my kids will every go back. Dog-opoly is hilarious.
Gel glide crayons for all of them.
We can never, ever have enough coloring utensils around here. People crush them, eat them, peel them, lose them, fight over them. This was a nice big pack.
For if LittleLady every decides to be born. She gets something, too!
MonsterTot (2.5)
Usually I’d just hit up Goodwill and see what toys they had around for even cheaper, but given my pregnant rumbling self, Amazon it was.
Yes. It looks kinda like I’m a total hippie dressing my son to be a total hippie. Yes.
SweetPea (4.5)
Yes, I’m trying to breed horse love into each of my kids like I have it! SweetPea has a number of other horsey toys so these will dump nicely into those buckets.
I try to buy something they can wear, along with something to play with.
SuperBoy (6.5)
He loves games! This kiddo loves a mental challenge. I’m pretty sure he’ll do this one for a while.
Yes. Matching. Nerd. Yes.
For my insane distance running husband who loves to go out at 4 dark 30 even when it’s icy and snowy. But these are good for people who have to walk around outside a lot anyway! No slippage, folks!
Cotton Undies & Nighttime Nursing Bras.
Yes, this is what I gave myself for Christmas. And if that doesn’t say mom-of-many, I don’t know what does. But I hadn’t purchased new underwear in . . . ?? And the nursing bras had been through three kids, all of them well over a year.
*amazon & yoxo affiliated links means . . . you know the drill . . . I get a small percentage if you shop through me.*
How do you handle gifts for the holidays? Is it a deluge of wrapping paper or do you slowly open one a day? Or do you do a few or a ton? We also bought a bunch of small gifts to give to a giving tree thing through our parish. It’s nice for the kids to see that giving is more important than getting at Christmas.
We’re the same way. We don’t buy toys and in the past have done one big family present open on Epiphany. (Swing set, bed frame this year, ) This year they each get a book to open and some crayons lol Grandparents bought all the fun stuff
We are BIG book gift people. I forgot that I got books at a used book sale and wrapped them too! Shoot! Mama brain!
I have two little ones so I feel like I’m still rounding out the basic toys (Lego’s and play dough and such). I got them both Lego’s, a stuffed doll for my girl and a peppa pig playset, some trains and a board game for my boy. Three small toys each and Santa is giving them each the bigger gift of the three. And books! And they’re getting giant candy canes and a bath toys and cars in their stockings. Reports are coming in saying Grandma went overboard so that’ll be fun lol
hahah love that grandma is going overboard!