Whole Parenting Family

Around Here: Quick Takes

It’s still the weekend, right?? I’m not too late to link up with the awesome Kelly and her 7 Quick Takes, am I? Kel, say it’s okay to be late, please.



I’m fresh off the plane from NYC where my little lady and I were on baby watch for my sister’s third who should arrive any second. And yes, I woke up every night, middle of the night, to check and see if she or her husband had texted me from upstairs. They continued to insist they wouldn’t text but would come wake me up, but still. No baby on my watch but lots of laundry & prep & late night talks. 

The trip was a blast and a billion and made our last #sistermoon where we were lazy louts on the beach. I got to watch my daughter relate to her two girl cousins (one 7 months older, one two years younger) and all the lessons one learns when one tries to insist things go one’s way most of the time (used to brothers who either obey or tune her out). She loved every minute, even when she was kicking people on her way to the trampoline. We also got to spend a lot of time at my sister’s shop, Brooklyn Herborium, and watch the process of handmade organic skincare up close!


I’ll be chatting with THE Jen Fulwiler on her radio, Tuesday around 2:30CST. I’m sure we’ll gab about a few things, but most notably the newest scripture study I’m writing with Laura & Nancy. We have been talking about this one for a long time. It centers around a couple’s journey as a family–covering the spectrum of fertility challenges and joys we have faced and that six of our guest contributors have faced (can’t wait to reveal who’s writing with us!). We’ll talk our truth about NFP, planning, loss, intimacy, and include little essays from our spouses as well to give the man’s perspective.

Subscribe to our newsletter to know when it’s ready to order!!


When in NYC, I encountered a complete astoforthunheardofthing: bad hot cocoa. It was a swanky hipster French bakery with the finest of all fine Frenchy items. But the cocoa? I can’t even describe how it was off. Like the cocoa had been mutilated and drown in aspartame. Like my cup was filled with an obligatory NO WHIPPING CREAM HOW CAN YOU SERVE IT WITHOUT WHEN YOUR STORE IS ALL WHIPPING CREAM GOODNESS biznes. I actually tossed it before finishing it. Never ever done that. Ever.



Before New York, we had some great friends in town performing a quick show on their tour. Really, if you live on the East Coast, you gotta get down this weekend to right outside DC in Front Royal, Virginny, for the Appaloosa Festival. Scythian runs it but they’ll have over 40 other bands, all weekend long, kids 12 & under FREE, amazing food & drink, an entire area for kids to play, camping out, Mass on the grounds, and so much more. Next year we will definitely be there for it.

Get tickets here. We love the Fedorykas!


The kids have not had enough of the Twins in their lives this summer, but we did watch an awful lot of the Olympics. Watching it makes me feel buff by proximity. Except the men who do the dive & spins. Those guys are so ripped they just make me ashamed that I’m usually eating ice cream while watching it. And if you didn’t catch Jen Hatmaker’s hilarious commentary, hop over.

Equestrian sports are my fav to watch as a former show jumper. Every time we watched some, my sister would say, see how easy that looks? i mean, come on, they make it look so easy. And then I remind her of all the times she watched me show. I didn’t make it look that easy.


Pregnancy is dragging by a bit. I still struggle with food and being sick often but the kids have developed good coping mechanisms. I hear a lot of their dolls having “TO RUN TO THE TOILET!” and other such indiscreet activities so I think they’re not too scarred for life.



Tomorrow my baby boy, my oldest, starts 1st grade: his very first real school experience. And I’m scared. So scared. And he’s so thrilled. My litany of fears include real ones, and ones AA is calling “beyond affirmation” because they’re so preposterous, apparently. Peanut allergy exposure versus need for sunscreen during a 20 minute recess. You tell me. I also cannot stop crying at the thought of leaving him at his big boy desk, surrounded by other small creatures, waving goodbye, gulping down all that runny nose crying stuff, leaving a wake of freaked out teachers who know that I’m *that* mom. Pregnancy hormones? True attachment to my big baby? You tell me.

What’s happening for you this week? Fill me in on the big moments & lil ones.


  1. Christine on August 29, 2016 at 5:12 am

    Ha! I can relate about the school experience… My daughter just started pre-school at our parish, and crazy enough, I put sunscreen on her before class! I felt nuts doing that for a 15-minute recess, but it made me feel better. 🙂

    • Natural Mama Nell on August 31, 2016 at 12:38 pm

      NOT NUTS! So smart!!