Almost 7 Years of Marriage & a Marriage Scripture Study I Wrote
Who are these youngsters??
Okay, we’re coming up on seven years of marriage at the end of this month. I simply cannot believe it’s been so long but so quick. My friends Laura and Nancy and I were talking about our anniversaries that are all coming up soon and the vows we took when bam! we realized our next scripture study should center around marriage vows.
We brought on a superstar to write on the fourth vow: Jenna Guizar, creator & founder of Blessed is She. She’s simply remarkable and one of my fav people in the world.
Monday May 16th you can download your e-study guide right here for Waiting in the Word: Our Vows.
We cover the four vows used in most Christian marriage ceremonies:
1) Love and Cherish,
2) Promise to be True,
3) For Better or Worse, and
4) Until Death Do Us Part.
I wrote on being true. And it took a turn I didn’t expect. On our wedding day, I thought being true meant not having an affair. I’ve come to learn it that for me it means being invested in a rich intimate life–three kids later, even through extremely hard pregnancies, his long work hours, blah blah blah. There’s always a reason to not be emotionally and physically available to each other, and honestly open to treating the other with attentive love.
We hope you’ll join us. It works a lot like our other Waiting in the Word scripture studies: you get a study with a reflection for each vow, five scripture verses to ponder lectio divina style during the week, and then a new feature of a short paragraph from the other writers on that particular vow they didn’t write on and an activity to do with your spouse.
Our interactive Facebook group is a ton of fun and we’ll post the scripture each day to discuss there, too. Our newsletter I write each weekend covers what’s coming up that week along with prayer requests from our community members.
If you’re married, hoping you’re feeling great about how you’re living out your vows. Maybe you don’t need this, but if you’re like us, maybe you do 😉
I can’t wait for this to start!
Hi Nell! This looks great! Is it available as a PDF so I could read it on a PDF reader instead of printing by any chance?
Yes! It’s an e-file so it is a pdf! It’s formatted for printing for those who like to print but yes, it’s a pdf. 🙂
just ordered! very excited for this!
[…] 7 years […]