Happy Birthday to Us
I love sharing a birthday with my daughter!! She’s four and I’m thirty three. How’s that for fun? We had a little family brunch this morning after some swift maneuverings in the kitchen with my sister & her spouse making pancakes with the batter that had been waiting patiently for me to finish sixty other things, my mom on her (sprained!) ankle watching the little kids, my husband and oldest at mass, and twirling and whirling but it was delish & so much fun to all be together.
My wonderful aunt came over too, and with both my sisters who live in town, one’s spouse, my parents, and our little family, it was the perfect birthday. I only wish all my siblings and their kids could be in town (but, of course, that’s like, all the time I want that!!).
I went off the Smitten Kitchen birthday cake recipe. It was relish. My dad was kind enough to take the cakes out of the oven for us while we had girl time at the early mass, so one of them met with a spatula that didn’t like it and kinda was beat up. Frosting to the rescue! Butter + powdered sugar + fruit meant one layer was bluish and one was pink!
Quiche was my fav go-to recipe. Crust from the food coop, bake blind partially, toss your ingredients, cover with 1 1/3 cup milk + four eggs + nutmeg + pepper + salt = 40 minutes and it’s amazingly done. One had spinach and cheddar, the other cheddar and pork sausage browned fresh.
Spelt flour pancakes were Alice Water’s simple buttermilk recipe. Freshly made whipping cream + syrup YES PLEASE. Oh, and lots of butter.
And the cake. Yes, it had lots of repairs. But she didn’t mind. More frosting is better!
The tot was down for his nap but the rest of us got to blow out 23 candles. No, I can’t do math, but yes, I do love lots of candles on birthday cakes! As does she. #twinning
Hope your wishes come true today!