Whole Parenting Family

7 Wandering Ways of the Week


a few new things up in the shop this week. 

My mind has been so preoccupied with the suffering of my dear friends Laura and Franco and the loss of their twin baby girls. Please keep this beautiful family in your thoughts and prayers as they navigate this breathtaking landscape of love and loss.

So the whole week has been a bit of a wandering. SuperBoy also has had a persistent cough/phlegm attack so he hasn’t been to his three times a week afternoon nature school. BabyLoves was up a few nights coughing (is there anything more sad than a toddler’s coughing?) so everything felt sideways.

1) Day in the Life linkup at Simple Homeschool.

Link here. I LOVE reading how other at home homeschooling mamas’ days go. I’m kinda a faker as he’ll go to Catholic school next year, but I’m still in the category technically! One of the big perks of blogger life is that your days are exposed in an intimate way (can be intimidating) that connects your hearts with other moms sharing those burdens and joys.

2) Inheritance.

I’ve NEVER ever ever listened to Christian music. Sorry, bad Catholic here. Just not my thing. Ever. But this album by Audrey Assad, whom I’m privileged to work with at Blessed is She (Catholic women’s daily devotional ministry): wow. It’s called Inheritance and it’s on repeat. The kids love it and my heart throbs along with How can I keep from singing? especially. Buy // download // support a mama artisan!



3) A good notebook.

I don’t journal anymore but do try to keep my life in order in a notebook. As in, I make lists there. It’s not googledocs but it’s close. I’ve found that since I wrote my way through one I received at a conference, I’ve been on the hunt for a good one. Something not too thick. Paper has to have some softness. Lined is good. Spiral bound not a must. What you got, internet?


4) Food.

I’ve been making dinner early in the day and although it saves me in the afternoon when the kids want to read aloud and play and have me ensure no one kills anyone else, I really don’t like the kitchen smelling like onions in the morning. It’s an eternal conundrum. Gosh I like writing that word out.


5) The arc of making & blogging.

I’m seeing friends close up their etsy shops, bloggers dwindle out on their writing, and people’s kids get old enough so they don’t blather about them online anymore. It’s a weird feeling–this shifting of interests and time. I know there will be a place and time for me to slow down here or slow down at my Whole Parenting Goods work. But I kinda loved it when we were all talking and making together. That’s life, right?


6) Lent is almost halfway done.

I really can’t believe that’s the case. The only thing I’ve stayed true to this Lent has been our Waiting in the Word: a Mother’s Lenten Journey study (never too late to hop in with us!). The daily Scripture has really hit me. This week was one of mine and the verse I picked for the day: Romans 5:8. Blew me away. It’s short & sweet. And I needed it.

waiting in the word

7) La Croix to the rescue.

Yes. I guzzle the berry flavored kind. I really don’t want to know what “natural flavors” mean in the ingredient list so don’t spoil it for me. Grace’s ode to it was fabulous.


Head to Kelly’s for other’s better funnier smarter stuff!


  1. Jen @ Faith and Fabric on March 4, 2016 at 9:13 am

    Nell, I hear you on the smells. I often cook with a crockpot – which gets plugged in outside on the patio as I can’t stand when my house smells like food (especially food that’s been cooking for 7-8 hours). Issues 😉

    • Natural Mama Nell on March 4, 2016 at 2:43 pm

      So smart. If only the weather would warm up here!!

  2. Lisa on March 4, 2016 at 9:35 am

    Ha your onions line made me laugh! I am procrastinating making chicken stock precisely because the house will smell like onions for days…

    • Natural Mama Nell on March 4, 2016 at 2:43 pm

      The struggle is real!!

  3. Michelle on March 4, 2016 at 7:58 pm

    Well, this probably isn’t EX-ACT-LY what you had in mine… but I have the green (recycled!) version of this appointment book http://www.staples.com/2016-AT-A-GLANCE-Weekly-Appointment-Book-Planner-8-1-4-x-10-7-8-Navy-70-950-20/product_1032510?externalize=certona and I definitely don’t fill it up with appointments, but I also use it for writing out our meal plans, my To Do lists each day, little things I want to remember (like who to send Thank You cards to)… pretty much everything. And then the few days that are crazy enough that I to use the appointment book style schedule.. I’ve got it.

    Also, I really don’t want to stop blogging either, and I don’t want all the blogs I read and love to end either.

  4. Lauren B on March 5, 2016 at 4:40 pm

    I love Moleskines. They come in a ton of colors and sizes. The hardback ones are incredibly sturdy (because… life). But a good wander around Barnes and Noble will give you a million notebook options. 🙂

    • Natural Mama Nell on March 7, 2016 at 11:26 pm

      Oh YES. Great idea!

  5. Laurel on March 9, 2016 at 4:29 pm

    Second the Moleskin recommendation. I always come back to them when I go looking for a good notebook. Also, Paper Source has a great selection of pretty ones if you’re wanting something with a little more artistry on the cover.

    • Natural Mama Nell on March 9, 2016 at 8:53 pm

      You’re totally right on all accounts.

  6. megan w on March 14, 2016 at 4:32 pm

    Third the Moleskin recommendation! But also my sister gave me an Eccolo for Christmas and I love it too! Much smaller than my Moleskin and doesn’t go as flat but it’s nicer in many ways.

    • Natural Mama Nell on March 15, 2016 at 1:31 pm

      You’re totally right. I’m going Moleskin!