7 Quick Ways for Mamas to Relax
I love relaxing. I love thinking about it, planning it, dreaming it, but I don’t actually love doing it. In part because I’m constantly thwarted from pursing my side projects by the actual task of tending to and loving up and chastising my offspring. But in other part because I really want to do when I can. So if the moment arises to relax, I will probably huddle over my sewing machine or computer to write & edit instead.
I know tomes are composed about the art of relaxation. I haven’t read any of them.
But what I do know is that mamas need quick ways to rest and relax because you never know when the call will come from said offspring from the bowels of the bathroom MAMA I MADE A POOPY and off you go to the races again.
Linking with Kelly and her better & cleverer writing friends!
1) Close your eyes and say
I think I can I think I can. Just that little pep talk. It’s like attending a conference with motivational speakers without going anywhere.
2) Do you like your robe & slippers??
I finally landed on a combo I live in. Don’t judge. To have something you can retreat inside like a nuclear fall out shelter is pretty amazing. If you don’t like yours, keep looking. AA gave me a cotton robe similar to this for Christmas last year and Molly gave me these slippers. But I also love this robe. And these slippies.
3) HealFast Bath: herbal bath for your mama parts.
Yes, I’m talking about freshly postpartum or far out from babies. But whether your babies grew in your heart or your womb, you will be intoxicated by my friend Cori’s herbology. Herbalism? Whatever the word is.
I slung one over the faucet at the hospital for my very first postpartum bath after my third and continue to use them to this day. They are my go-to for mamas!! Learn more on her youtube channel.
She’s so sweet and made a coupon code NELL2016 through March for you. If you’re expecting or your friend is: you want this. I really mean it!! Find on her etsy shop–buy 2, no shipping!, Facebook, via email {levincori@gmail.com}, or locally in the following spots: Family Focus Chiro in Chanhassen, Lakepoint Chiro in Minneapolis, both Blooma locations, Pacifier in Edina & Minneapolis, and Enlightened Mama.
4) Hand cream by the sink.
I’ve never done this until now. Every poopy diaper change and I’m scrubbing my cracked dry hands. It’s Minnesota winter. Now I use my sister’s balm right after drying and things are healing up. It’s like a hand massage//spa day but I didn’t go anywhere and someone is still crying.
5) Invest in Jim Weiss narrative stories for your kids.
Some people have DVD collections. Others have Jim Weiss collections. I seriously think he is hypnotic. My older kids will listen to him for hours on end. HOURS on end. Happily learning and absorbing and laughing. All while I am able to chase the toddler and check Facebook. Did you read this by Susan, by the way? Saw it today while chasing. Yes, it made me cry.
6) Find a good book to read.
Not that you have a ton of reading time, but it breaks up your day if you sneak a page here or there. I miss reading–I really inhaled books before kids and since, I do still read, but it’s not at the same depth. Grace just listed a great selection of what she’s reading these days. And Anne always has great reads going on. Haley & Christie talk literature all the time at Fountains of Carrots (podcast!) so tune in there, too.
7) Laugh.
Parks and Rec just finished their seven season run (or at least, we just realized all of season 7 is on Netflix) and it’s such a great LAUGH LAUGH light hearted show. I love a heavy spy thriller, but after the long parenting days, something with no potential of making me freak out is good. Maybe you love to laugh at things like this I just shared on my fb feed, instead, because I almost died of laughter. Truly. Read the comments.
I love you all and hope your Valentine’s Day is filled with hearts, candy you confiscate from your kids, and a warm sense in your well being!
amazon is aff linked meaning i get a few cents if you shop through me and Cori was sweet enough to send over a few more packs! My sister Molly keeps me in good supply of her products, too. The links to my friends? Well, they’re simply my friends.
Great linkies! Thank you! I’m already relaxed!
hahaha oh good!!
Love it!
Such a helpful list!
Quick question… Which Jim Weiss CD would you recommend for my (almost) 3-year old daughter? She has listened to Curious George and Dr Seuss audiobooks, which she loves. Thanks! Blessings to you! 🙂
Hi, friend! I love Uncle Wiggly’s Storybook, Animal Tales, Fairy Tale Favorites, and SWEet Dreams for that age. My daughter is 3 going on 4 and she can listen along and track with those!
Thank you! 🙂
Nell, these are all awesome! Especially since I have my very first little one in my belly, I’m sure I’ll be checking back to this idea more in the next several months 🙂 Relaxation is so important! I was gifted with a Batman robe this Christmas, and I practically live in it already! The herbal bath sounds awesome, (and timely) so thanks for the endorsement and link!
This is great Nell! It is so hard for me to relax, because there is always something to be done.
These are some great tips and a reminder that relaxation and rest is not a suggestion, but a command.
We must relax! But it can be really hard to!!
Hi there Nell. I’m looking to get a couple of Jim Weiss CDs for my children. You recommend them so often that there must be something to them!
I have a quick question. A number of Weiss’ CDs are historical, and I wanted to check whether you have found them to be compatible with Catholicism? Galileo and the Star Gazers is one example. I’m looking to get the Story of the World (by Susan Wise Bauer) as well and have heard that her treatment of the Middle Ages, specifically the rise of Protestantism, is problematic. It’s good to know beforehand so you can be in the room, pause the disc and point out any errors.
God bless and thanks!
I’m definitely going to get myself a cozy bathrobe. I already have slippers that I bring on retreats, but why don’t I use them all the time?! I am looking into the herbal bath as the due date gets closer (May 5th). I already take baths once in a while with either a few drops of peppermint oil or a couple bags of peppermint tea, and I love it!
I live & love mine. It’s totally my happy place that I can take with me! Oooh yummy peppermint!