When My Kids Play Mass {{hand-made vestment review & coupon code}}
My junior high friend, Cynthia, has become one of my favorite adult mama Catholic world friends. She was actually Molly’s friend first, but I coopted her now as we go to the same parish, have kids around the same ages, and our husbands like to hang together too. We share of love of crafting and cooking, though I think she’s better at both than I am! Today I’m sharing with you about the vestments she’s hand-made for the little aspiring priests in your life. Of course, my mom bought three of these for her grandkids last year so I’m pretty partial to them, too.
My oldest is five now and has had a serious hankering to become a priest since about 2. He’s fallen a bit out of this holy stage as piety swapped out for knighthood attempts (now it’s all honor and valor, so really similar, right?). BUT then I brought home Cynthia’s vestment for him and VOILA. Back to the altar making we go. But she also sells an entire KIT, people. Not just the vestments.
And the three year old wears a few blue outfits and is playing “Holy Nun Mother of God Mary Jesus.”
Cynthia’s going to tell you a little about herself and her work. And every single one of you is going have a 20% off coupon code for your shopping delights–use coupon code NELL20!
SHOP HERE at Interior Castle Goods to support this sweet mama of five.
I know so many Catholic families who’ve been dying for teachable, beautiful, thought-filled mass related items like these. So the real question is, how soon will you be bought out? Did you see a need for this mass kit ensemble that you hadn’t found elsewhere?
Hahah . . . well, we will see if there is much interest. As we looked for Mass kits for our own boys, we found a fabric Mass set that was minimal and hard to take serious and then a a very very expensive Mass kit that was quite fragile and would break easily (with rambunctious 3-6 year old boys!). Our goal was to assemble a sturdy enduring Mass kit that boys could enjoy playing with and would help them come to own their faith. Our hope is to inspire vocations and a love of beautiful liturgy of the Roman rite.
Describe the Mass kit to us. What are the different components and how did you devise that they were both necessary and edifying for the children?
I just have the vestments on Etsy, since those are homemade. So, please contact me if you would be interested in a Mass kit. The rest of the Mass kits include a candles, a tabernacle, host, paten, there is a book and CD that a very wonderful and local priest, Father Erickson, dictated and talked about being a noble and courageous young man and priest. There have been a few families that have contacted me on Etsy that purchased a Mass set–that was really a wonderful encouragement because they were looking for a mass set and were not able to find one anywhere else.
How do your own children enjoy them?
The two boys like to play mass with each other. They put on the vestments, ‘light’ the candles, and we love it when they hold up the chalice and host and say “Body of Christ” in their cute little voices. And then, my oldest daughter likes to orchestrate everything else around them. Agatha, the 2 year old likes to imitate and be part of the party too. It turns into a family affair. It is quite endearing.
Tell us about your back story and how you launched your etsy shop, Interior Castle Goods?
I grew up in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and am the youngest of four and the only girl in my family. Growing up with 3 older brothers and thinking they were really ‘cool,’ I ended up being quite a tomboy and played lots of sports. My poor Mother! She had her tomboy in piano, girl scouts, dance, and other activities, all which I enjoyed. Finally, when I was in college I came around to doing more crafts and started knitting a lot. My Mom joined me in that endeavor; she drove to my college an hour away and we took a class together. I would say that was the beginning of my love for beautiful handmade knits and quilts. For the next 5-6 years my Mother and I played off of each other in our projects and love of fabric and yarn.
A lot happened to me in my 20’s, I had a reversion back to orthodox Catholicism, I was married, I had several kids, and my Mom died. As I learned more and more about the Catholic Church, I couldn’t read enough or talk enough with folks about all of its’ history and spiritual depth. Saint Theresa of Avila was one of my favorite authors and her work ‘The Interior Castle’ struck me profoundly.
When I stayed home with my kids, I started making little sweaters and other projects; after my Mom died, her stash of fabric got me excited about quilting. I put a few things up on etsy, just for the fun of it and named the shop after my favorite work “Interior Castle.” When my older son was 4 years old, he loved the program “Catechis of the Good Shepard.” I made him a priest vestment and my husband put together a mass kit for him. My husband liked how the vestment turned out and encouraged me to put them on etsy.
You’re a very talented and inspirational crafter. Your knits, crochets, and quilts are beautiful as well. Will they play a role in your new shop or will it be strictly liturgical in nature?
Oh, I think so. I really do love creating–especially quilts right now. I like playing with color and shapes. I am sure I’ll put different work on the etsy site. With taking care of my five kids, and keeping house, it is nice to have a creative outlet.
If someone had told you that you’d be making these mass kits, say, 5 years ago, what would you have said to them? Where are you in your own spiritual journey that these resonate with you as a mother?
I probably would have laughed. Since I did not grow up with a traditional liturgy, I did not have an appreciation of beautiful vestments, incense, communion rails and the like. As a stay-at-home mother, I am daily trying to grow in virtue and prayer. Believe me, I am praying a lot for my children and likewise, I will let the Lord will do whatever he wants, if anything, with this etsy shop, InteriorCastleGoods.
As I find a home for different vestments, I pray a decade of the rosary for the little boy who will be playing with it. I pray for their future adult discernment of vocation to marriage or the priesthood. And I pray for more priest vocations as well. We need more religious vocations!
The details on these, people! Whew. Hop over to Interior Castles and use your code NELL20!
These are incredible. I think a few kids in my house might be getting these for Christmas!
I know. I’m buying one for my nephew!
Wow, those vestments are gorgeous!!!!! She does amazing work!!
She really really does!
Oh my goodness, my son would love one of these! I was thinking it would make a great Christmas present, but then I thought “Halloween costume”!
Wowie, those are amazing. Now if my boys would play Mass…I’d be a happy mama. Maybe the 4th one will? We have lots of guns and swords and Star Wars going on here. 😉
hahaha i love it
These are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing. I made a set of vestments for my oldest for his 5th birthday along with a play Mass kit. To anyone who’s on the fence about investing in something like this… He’s now preparing to enter seminary. Just sayin’ 😉 Also, having made a set, these are very good value and I’d love to buy another set for my youngest.