Whole Parenting Family

It’s Monday I’m in love

I wanna start your week out right. By pointing you to some of my newfound favorite readeries on the Internet to park and scroll.

Before I do, let me tell you that there is nothing that says I love you, mama, like hot cocoa (extra whip), donuts (Granny’s in West St. Paul, obvi), and a ton of manure compost. We tackled the garden and you can follow our eclectic urban farmerness on Instagram #wholeparentinggarden

And due to the babysitting gods being in our favor, we may have also escaped for a late night steak. Thanks to my dad (and bribing the big kids to stay in their respective floor beds with the oath of a sliver of donut each)!! I overloaded on sugar today and am back on the bandwagon that is dubitably named #nosugar30

With all the wonderful and heartfelt Mother’s Day posts out there, including the darker and harder side my friend Laura offered, I found this gem from a few years back. Its focus is on the needs of the motherless children and why they get less attention than mommy-wars. Really made me stop and think.

And speaking of thinking, last week I had a week with lots of over-worrying. I’m sure you’re a better partner than I am and never ever get in that downward spiral of being convinced more and more that you’re the ONLY person who worries about the kids socks being dry, toys being picked up, and poor-me, poor-me. We did have a few insanely hard nights with insane teething going on, so sleep deprivation? Probably a factor in my pit party. Probably the driving force. My sainted overworked husband.

But I read this.

And realized, I’m probably biologically geared toward being the “designated worrier.” Fascinating how we mothers struggle with being worried for our households, our jobs, our kids’ lunches, the State of the Laundry. Even when we have very capable spouses who contribute so meaningfully to the family life.

Speaking of family life (no, not pregnant yet): extinct baby names. But Sherwood? I would tots bring that back. Okay, maybe not.

And lastly if you’re feeling like you cannot get to everything in your housework life, take comfort from Amelia’s words here about Downton’s lessons on housework. I am greatly comforted. See my sadly roasted chicken? It needs Mrs. Patmore.

What are you reading online? SHARE!


  1. Lauren B on May 11, 2015 at 1:44 am

    Love that Rage Against the Minivan post. Powerful food for thought.

    • Natural Mama Nell on May 11, 2015 at 8:44 am

      I really hadn’t ever thought about it from that side!!

  2. Rhonda Ortiz on May 11, 2015 at 3:18 pm

    I love that post from Amelia, too. I so need a household staff! 🙂 Thanks for linking to it!

    • Natural Mama Nell on May 12, 2015 at 10:03 pm

      I’m so grateful you run such a helpful website!! 🙂

  3. Susanna on May 11, 2015 at 8:56 pm

    We had Granny’s as well. Delicious. 🙂

    • Natural Mama Nell on May 12, 2015 at 10:02 pm

      Granny #FTW