Life on a Cattle Ranch: Guest Post from Britt from The Fisk Files
My girlfriend Britt was kind enough to let us see a little glimpse into life on the cattle ranch in New Mexico, one of my favorite states I’ve only read about. Cannot wait to visit her there someday! She runs a beautiful blog at The Fisk Files and her photography business is, frankly, earth shatteringly stunning. I want to live with her beautiful family!!!
So check her on instagram, the blog, and fbook. And hear what she has to share!
Nell and I met last August, and my life’s been forever blessed! She made me feel comfortable right from the start, and if I’m being honest, I was worried we might not click. Why? Well, I hadn’t read her blog for long, and by her title, I assumed she might not think too highly of this formula-feeding, screen-time loving (well, liking), non-organic mom. Boy was I ever wrong. I’m not sure I know many that are as encouraging and as deeply thoughtful as sweet Nell. And, I couldn’t be happier to be here today!
When asked to guest post for Whole Parenting, I didn’t really know exactly what to say, but since I feel that my way of life makes me a bit different than some, I thought it might be something fun to touch on.
See, I was raised on a ranch. Until college, I never lived within the city limits. Since then, I’ve lived in mid-sized cities, the District, and now I’m back to a life with no neighbors as far as the eye can see. Growing up I felt sorry for my friends who lived in town (to me, they didn’t have the freedoms that I did). Living in the city for a stint after college, I grew extremely used to the convenience of a coffee shop on every corner, grocery delivery and limitless entertainment. I loved it! But, I’ve returned to that country life, and I’m just so incredibly blessed to be raising my children somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Boy how life can change!
You see, our life is lived off the land. My husband and I (and generations before us – on my side) raise beef cattle.
I say all of this, because living on the land shapes us in ways that sometimes go unnoticed. In order to make it here, we have to care for God’s creation…the land, the animals, and each other. And, it is something that our children get to witness every day. In fact, living here does more for the way we parent our children than I think most realize.
It forces them to use their imaginations because they’re entertainment is in direct relation to what they can create in their little minds.
They learn the value of hard work early on because little gets done without it.
We can find joy in the simple things…like taking a trip to a pumpkin field to gather fall decorations…
The days can sometimes be long, and we deal with all of the same growing pains that most families do, even if we are in a bit of a different setting.
And these little adventurous guys love it. What I love most is seeing them with their Daddy and doing things right along with him as they grow. Through his example and their eagerness to learn, he’s teaching them our livelihood, and I don’t think a 2, 3, and 4-year-old would have that opportunity many other places. As Sophie gets bigger, she’ll join them for some things, and at other times she’ll be able to stick by me to learn to care for things around the home. I cannot wait.
Are we free of a lot of the worries other parents face based on where we live? Free might not be the word, but I do believe we have a certain security here.

I love this inside peek on your life Britt on the open range…it really makes it come alive for the reader & makes me curious how I would do it 😉
It seems really amazing!!
I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you, Britt, for sharing a glimpse into your beautiful life and to Nell for hosting!
She was so generous to put it together. And the pleasure was all mine!
You both are so wonderful and beautiful! Thanks for another glimpse into your life and your beautiful heart, Britt! <3
Isn’t she remarkable??
Totally agree about Britt’s photography! Stunning! And I love peaking into her life. I grew up on a farm and love seeing what it was like for other people. It’s true that you have to get along or you’re super board when you live far away from other people lol
You grew up on a farm? Now you gotta dish and tell us!
Beautiful post both in words and photos. I love the last photo especially! My dad consults with a few ranches in AZ and my kids have loved going to his favorite ranch for a few days at a time. It is always sad for us when a contract ends! Your posts allows me to imagine a little better what it would be like if he had his own ranch!
So amazing!!
Lovely, Britt! You know I completely agree 🙂
Wow, Britt takes amazing pictures! I really enjoyed getting to know her better here. I especially love that last paragraph – beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Nell! -Jess
It was so my pleasure. She’s a remarkable woman.
I think this is a perfect take on WHOLE parenting. There are so many aspects to parenting and we each do it a little different. Since each of us has different strengths and various circumstances, we parent wholly the best each of us can. I think your way of parenting wholly, Britt, is just as beautiful as Nell’s and all the rest of us. Thank you for sharing your way. 😉 What a beautiful place you live!
Such a delight to be the carrier of this beautiful post!
This is so great. Thanks Britt and Nell for sharing this!
Isn’t she remarkable?